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Steering Committee









Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2017-5-13 21:32:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Due to pressing matters at the level of the Cabinet, the Minister of Education, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine would not be able to lead Guyana’s delegation to the upcoming 19th Conference of the Commonwealth Education Ministers (19CCEM) in the Bahamas. The Guyana delegation will instead be headed by Junior Minister of Education, Nicolette Henry.Also scheduled to attend are Chief Education Officer, Olato Sam –Ms. Tricia Teekah -Caribbean Region Representative of the Commonwealth Students’ Association – Steering Committee, and Joshua Griffith – President of the University of Guyana Students’ Society.Junior Minister of Education Nicolette HenryThe 19CCEM high level meeting of Commonwealth Ministers is held under the theme: ”Quality Education for Equitable Development: Performance, Paths and Productivity”.   The conference aims to follow up on “a major commitment towards the attainment of the Internationally Agreed Goals”, which according to Bahamas’ Minister of Education, were signed on to, in Dakar, Bangladesh and at the United Nations.He said, “This conference will allow us to gauge where we  stand with regard to that commitment and accordingly revisit, if need be, mechanisms to accelerate towards the attainment of the Internationally Agreed Goals, as well as to strategize for aligning Commonwealth priorities with education aspects of the new Post-2015 Global Development Framework.”The Conference will provide an opportunity for the participants to deliberate on the priority and emerging issues, identified by the Ministerial Working Group, which include the persistent inequalities and inequities, worsening income inequalities, high unemployment, vulnerabilities of marginalised groups, universality, measurement of quality and unmet education needs.The conference will also elaborate on policy, practice and the strategic actions required in direct response to the new development goals and targets, while exploring trends and innovative practices in education in the Commonwealth.The wide-ranging discussions at the conference are expected to cover a range of educational issues focusing on quality and skills that meet the dynamic needs of learners, especially the youth and global qualification standards, ICT integration in education and training, opportunities for economic growth and investment, education for sustainable development, and the overall quality of education across the Commonwealth.It is expected that teachers and young people will form part of the different delegations from the Commonwealth countries that will be attending the conference.The Commonwealth Secretariat is expected to officially launch its Fourth Edition of the Commonwealth Education Good Practice Awards (CEGPA) 2015 and there will be a dedicated 19CCEM website which will provide adequate information and details pertaining to the Conference.The 19CCEM commences on 22 June and concludes on the 26 June, 2015.

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