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Geeta Boodhoo









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發表於 2017-5-15 08:31:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Three days after he turned himself in to the police, triple murder suspect, Jerome Franklyn, appeared at the Vreed-en-Hoop Magistrate’s Court and was remanded to prison.Franklyn appeared before Magistrate Rushell Liverpool and was not required to plead to the three indictable charges. It is alleged that on December 18, last, he murdered Floyd Drakes by hacking him to death with a cutlass.Franklyn is also accused of killing his mother-in-law Bibi Zalima Khan and his nine-year-old stepdaughter Ashley Boodhoo that same day.Franklyn’s son, Jimmy, was also charged with Drakes’s murder, since police obtained evidence that he assisted his father during the act.He too was remanded to prison. This newspaper was told that the elder Franklyn confessed to killing his reputed wife’s mother and his spouse’s alleged lover, Floyd Drakes. According to a source, he eventually also admitted to killing his nine-year-old stepdaughter, Ashley Boodhoo.A man claiming to be Franklyn had telephoned Kaieteur News and had alleged that it was his mother-in-law, Bibi Khan, who accidentally hacked the child to death while attempting to chop him.Police reportedly learnt from other relatives that Franklyn’s son held on to one of the victims, Floyd Drakes, who tried to flee the mayhem, allowing his father “to finish him off.”Initially the young man had denied being involved in the murders, but when confronted by a young family member, he had no other choice but to admit that he did aid his father.According to a police source, investigators learnt that after Drakes was chopped, he tried to run to safety but was held by Franklyn’s son until the killer caught up with him. Drakes sustained 25 chops.Two Sundays ago, a caller claiming to be Franklyn had expressed anger that the police detained his son as an accomplice in the three murders. The caller also vowed not to surrender until he had “dealt with” his wounded reputed wife and lone survivor, Geeta Boodhoo, and her sister.‘Franklyn’ alleged that a taxi driver had tipped him off that he had dropped Franklyn’s spouse and a man into Tuschen Housing Scheme.‘Franklyn’ said that he forced his way into the home and murdered his mother-in law, Bibi Khan and Drakes and maimed his reputed wife, who managed to escape.Franklyn managed to avoid capture for a few days until the fear of being shot by police and concern for his detained son reportedly led him to surrender to lawmen.Police sources told Kaieteur News that some of Franklyn’s relatives took him to a police rank at Vergenoegen, East Bank Essequibo. However, a police release stated that Franklyn was arrested in the Tuschen Backdam.Both father and son are to return to court early next year.

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