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發表於 2017-5-15 13:20:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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‘So what you want us to do… walk?’ – President RamotarWith the confirmation of General Elections early next year, it’s inevitable that political parties will be upping theirOpposition Leader David Grangercampaign strategies, and President Donald Ramotar has already noted that his Ministers will not be walking during their party promotion activities.The opposition parties, the Alliance of Change (AFC) and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), have made several negative accusations against the People’s Progressive Party’s (PPP) current campaign behaviour.  As recent as last Friday, the APNU accused the governing party, including President Ramotar of fear mongering, race baiting and vote buying.APNU along with the AFC also accused the government of using state assets to conduct campaign activities. During a special press briefing at State House yesterday,NFL Cheap Jerseys China, President Ramotar made it clear that an election date will be declared come 2015.He was therefore asked to address the opposition’s accusations about using state assets for the party’s campaign and the President responded rhetorically, whether his Ministers should have to walk during their campaign exercises.The Head of State was asked if the opposition’s accusations of the government using state vehicles, among other assets has any weight and he replied, “So what you want us to do… walk? You want the ministers to go and walk,” he repeated.A response was also solicited from the President concerning race-based campaign. He stated categorically, that the opposition’s accusations are “absolute nonsense and totally untrue.” He said, “I think they’re fishing. I think they have realized that they are losing ground and they are trying to find a way.”President Ramotar said that he has no reason to employ negative campaign tactics since he is positive that the PPP will win a majority at the next General Elections. He said that he has not even considered the dynamics of another minority government, because “I have every confidence that we will win the next election with a majority. We will not havePresident Donald Ramotarthis situation again.”President Ramotar dismissed the occurrence of another minority government.The President described the current minority government-majority opposition situation in the National Assembly as impairment to the development of the country. “I think the Guyanese people have seen that and in this election, the PPP is going to take the majority.”The AFC had stated last week that the PPP was engaging in intense race-hate campaigning whereby the party was allegedly turning the minds of Indian supporters in Berbice against Afro-Guyanese citizens. The party’s Vice Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo, had condemned what he said was “the shameless and illegal campaign of the Ramotar-led PPP to create ethnic and geographic apartheid in Guyana.”He said, “In Berbice, the PPP has been stirring up anti-African fears; conjuring up the so-called ‘black jumbie’ to scare Indians and to woo them away from the AFC.”Nagamootoo said that the PPP is also portraying the AFC as partnering up with the APNU to form one coalition, but he rejected this. APNU said Friday, that it was concerned about the several breaches being committed against the electoral practices.President Ramotar recently concluded campaign visits to some Amerindian communities, and was said to have used army resources. Leader of the Coalition, Brigadier David Granger said, however, that the party should use its own resources.Granger accused the PPP of launching dirty attacks on opposition leaders, and claimed that the intent is to distract theAFC’s Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoonation from the ruling party’s own “sordid” record.Before detailing the grounds for their accusations, APNU warned that, “The PPP and its General Secretary must bear responsibility for the consequences of these reckless statements and ferocious behaviour.”The continuous back and forth between the political parties come as General Elections, on a daily basis, become more relevant. President Donald Ramotar told media workers that the objectives of proroguing the National Assembly failed. Through it, he said, he was hoping for discussions outside of the House “to save the life and progress of the Tenth Parliament.”The opposition remained unmoved; that it will not speak to the government outside of the National Assembly.

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