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發表於 2017-5-15 20:33:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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With the aim of celebrating positive achievements of youth all over the world,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Youth Media Guyana (YMG) with the support of UNICEF Guyana, on Monday, hosted a photo exhibition under the theme,Jerseys From China, “Building a Better World: Partnering with Youth”, in observance of United Nations International Youth Day (IYD) 2012. The venue was the National Library Conference RoomThe display showcased the work of youth organizations,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, youth groups, and other individuals and entities working to foster youth development locally.Several children view and discuss some of the photos on display.The photographs emphasised activities in priority areas of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Five-year Action Agenda and the development of a UN System Wide Action Plan on Youth, namely: Employment; Entrepreneurship; Education, including on sexual and reproductive health; Political Inclusion; Citizenship; and Protection of rights.“The activity is basically a call for persons to partner with young people to develop society towards building a better world; it can be a multi-stakeholder approach should the private and public sector support and encourage youths to get involved in the constructive things,Wholesale China Jerseys,” YMG Coordinator Andrea Bryan stated.She added that YMG has been advocating for the rights of children and young people through the media, which also enables them to express themselves about issues that affect them.Byran pointed out that while the organization has embarked on feeding programmes and other philanthropic work they are aspiring to do much more.Plans are being made for the group to host a stationery drive in support of the children living in the hinterland communities since there is difficulty for persons living in these areas to access school supplies.“Youth Media Guyana could be a bridge to provide these children with simple things like pencils,NFL Jerseys China Wholesale, books,Cheap Jerseys Free, markers, school bags,Cheap Jerseys From China Online, and even teaching aids for the teachers. This will go a long way in their development. Interested persons can partner with us on this initiative.”This is the first year that an exhibition has been held to commemorate International Youth Day. The activity had been highlighted on the 2012 International Youth Day World Map of Events.

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