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發表於 2016-10-27 21:40:47 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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This season's 92 offensive touches by out-for-the-year Jamaal Charles easily led the Chiefs while counting for a whopping 39.1 percent of the pie in Kansas City.    You can't duplicate an MVP-type performer with one player -- and the Chiefs don't plan to.    Every game,Emir Kujovic Sweden Jersey, all season    You know you're not going to replace Jamaal (lost to a torn ACL). He's one of the best. Really,Ronald Darby Bills Jersey, when it's all said and done,Chaz Green Cowboys Jersey, one of the best in the history of the game,Jonathan Ogden Ravens Jersey, coach Andy Reid told reporters this week,Matt Holliday Cardinals Jersey, per ESPN.com. That's not how you go about it. You find out and (take advantage of) the strengths of those other players. And that's the challenge as a coach, to make sure you're putting them in a good position to do that.    Reid expects to center the ground game around a committee approach that uses Knile Davis and Charcandrick West as a one-two punch starting Sunday against the Minnesota Vikings.    Reid said the team has a lot of trust in Knile,Enzo Roco Chile Jersey, but called him different than Charles, saying that West is getting better every week and remains the closer comparison to Jamaal,Juan Marichal Giants Jersey, citing West's quick moves,Toronto Blue Jays Jose Bautista Jersey, you know the feet and dancing and all of that stuff. Knile is going to pound you and he's got real good speed to go with that.    Game Pass reveals West to be an intriguing young player,Demetri Goodson Packers Jersey, one who showed speed in slipping around defenders in Sunday's loss to the Bears. The team also promoted running back Spencer Ware off the practice squad after what Reid called his good preseason and training camp with the Chiefs.    Kansas City is deep at the position, but failed to score a point against the Bears after losing Charles, finishing with less than 300 yards of total offense for the first time all season. The Chiefs had their entire attack centered around their Pro Bowl back, but those plans have been scattered -- along with any hopes of the playoffs.

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