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發表於 2016-10-28 08:31:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Let's make one thing clear: The Philadelphia Eagles have no doubts about their rookie quarterback.    In fact,Jakar Hamilton Cowboys Jersey, Carson Wentz is already drawing comparisons inside the building to a Hall of Famer.    Physically, he reminds me a little bit of a combination of Andrew Luck -- though, I've never played with him -- just watching him play, but a guy that I did play with in Jim Kelly -- the size,Larry Johnson Chiefs Jersey, strength and just the toughness,Cheap Jerseys 2016, Eagles offensive coordinator Frank Reich said of Wentz on Friday, per Matt Lombardo of NJ.com.    Reich, of course, knows Kelly's traits as well as anyone after serving as his backup for years with the Buffalo Bills. If nothing else, it's an interesting comparison from a coach who has studied both signal-callers with his own eyes.             Besides,Elvis Andrus Rangers Jersey, the toughness angle makes sense. Coming out of last Sunday's win over the Browns -- who boldly passed on Wentz in the draft -- Reich singled out a gritty completion to tight end Zach Ertz as evidence of the rookie quarterback's willingness to deliver the ball with defenders in his face.    The mentally tough,Patrick Murray Buccaneers Jersey, physically tough attitude and not being afraid to stand in the pocket and take a hit, Reich said. I think Carson showed that, having played with Jim Kelly all of those years, a Hall of Fame quarterback,Corey Crawford Jersey Canada, you don't want those guys to take hits but it is the willingness on fourth-and-4 with guys coming up the middle to make the play to Ertz and take the hit because that's what it takes to make the play and keep the drive alive, so those are good signs.    The praise for Wentz has flowed at a rich pace this week,Washington Nationals Bryce Harper Jersey, but it's premature to anoint him after one game against an inexperienced, uber-young Browns defense. The veteran-heavy Bears should pose a stiffer test on national TV in Week 2.    Going on Monday Night Football in Chicago, obviously a very historic place like Soldier Field, Reich said. It's great football down there. It's an exciting opportunity for the whole team, certainly for Carson as a rookie quarterback going into that environment ... There's obviously the crowd-noise factor. We obviously work that all the time,Braden Holtby Jersey Canada, we practice it all the time, you just have to keep your poise.    While Wentz still has kinks to work out mechanically,Chicago Cubs Sammy Sosa Jersey, his debut certainly came packed with poise. He played from wire-to-wire without losing his cool, which thrilled Reich and the Eagles.    I think we got what we expected, Reich said of Wentz's NFL debut. He's surrounded by good players. Our whole focus going in was just to execute the plan. We thought we had a good plan going in. This game is about players, as coach says all the time, it's very true. They have to execute and don't try to do too much. Plays present themselves. Your natural ability and instincts take over and I think that's what we saw in Carson. It was what we were hoping and expecting. You still have to do it but it was a great team effort.

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