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發表於 2016-10-30 07:10:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Brian Urlacher would like to return for a 14th season with the Chicago Bears. It remains to be seen if the Bears plan to invite him back.                              With the offseason officially under way, Around the League will examine what's next for all 32 teams.AFC East» Bills | Dolphins | Jets | PatriotsAFC North» Bengals | Browns | Ravens | SteelersAFC South» Colts | Jaguars | Texans | TitansAFC West» Broncos | Chargers | Chiefs | Raiders NFC East» Cowboys | Eagles | Giants | RedskinsNFC North» Bears | Lions | Packers | VikingsNFC South» Buccaneers | Falcons | Panthers | SaintsNFC West» Cardinals | Niners | Rams | Seahawks                   New Bears coach Marc Trestman said Thursday it would be premature to discuss Urlacher's future,Austin Davis Rams Jersey, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.    There isn't any question he loves Chicago and this is where he wants to be,Patrick Peterson Cardinals Jersey, Trestman said,Jacob Rinne Sweden Jersey, who recently had a 30-minute phone conversation with the Bears middle linebacker.    With free agency and the draft fast approaching,Roman Harper Panthers Jersey, premature is an interesting choice of words by Trestman. The Bears will have to make an Urlacher decision sooner rather than later. Of course,Tony Carter Broncos Jersey, it's also possible they already have and just aren't ready to make that public yet.    Urlacher,Jordy Nelson Packers Jersey, 34,Cyrus Jones Patriots Jersey, is coming off a down season in which he was limited by knee and hamstring issues. He said last month he's feeling healthy and is willing to accept a discount to return to the Bears.    When you look at my age and everything,L.C. Greenwood Steelers Jersey, it's going to be hard to not give them a discount,Matt Forte Jets Jersey, he said. I'm not going to make what I was making in the past.    Trestman said the Bears don't plan to make dramatic changes to their defensive scheme, a scheme no one knows better than Urlacher. But it remains to be seen if Trestman and the Bears are ready to go in a new direction, one that doesn't involve one of the franchise's most iconic players.    Follow Dan Hanzus on Twitter @DanHanzus.

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