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發表於 2017-5-29 03:51:41 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) recently conducted an intense four-day visit to Regions One, Eight and Nine where hundreds of persons were engaged in several activities aimed at promoting harmony and good relations.The Commission continues its Regional Visits to Regions Two and Three, tomorrow. Areas to be visited are Essequibo Coast,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Upper and Lower Pomeroon, Wakenaam and Leguan among others.The Regional visits have been an annual programme of the ERC with the aims of sensitizing individuals on the need for tolerance and respect for all races and to discuss how they can contribute to the fostering of racial harmony in their communities and ultimately Guyana.ERC Chairman Bishop Juan Edghill,Jerseys From China, and Commissioners John Willems, Peter Persaud and Aleema Nazir along with staff members facilitated discussions and engaged the hinterland communities in activities which saw high levels of participation from children, young people and adults, more particularly, the men of these communities.Public Education and Awareness Activities (Film Festivals) were held at Santa Rosa Secondary School, Moruca – 146 students, Kamwatta Primary School – 100 students, Karaburi Primary School – 100 students, Waramuri Primary School – 225 students, Port Kaituma Primary School – 70 students,Cheap Jerseys NFL, Port Kaituma Secondary School – 80 students, Monkey Mountain Primary/Primary Top – approximately 150 students , Arapaima Primary School – 125 students,Cheap Jerseys, St. Ignatius Primary School – approximately 250 students.Meanwhile, Community/Stakeholders/Private Sector/Business Community meetings were held at Moruca, Mabaruma, Monkey Mountain, Mahdia, Lethem and Annai. Visits were also made to Port Kaituma and Kato.According to the ERC, during these visits the Commission took the opportunity to inspect ongoing and recently concluded Capital Works projects in the Regions. The team interacted with Regional and other Officials and also had a first-hand look at services administered by the state.The Commission also listened to concerns of the residents/villagers and offered assistance in areas where there is a potential for conflict.However, the highlight of the ERC’s visit/interactions was the engagement with the Private Sector/Business Community which included a special meeting with the Lethem Chamber of Commerce. High on the agenda for discussion was the upcoming ERC/Private Sector one-day Conference scheduled for November 18,Cheap Jerseys Authentic, next in the Conference Room, Princess International Hotel,Jerseys From China Online, Providence, East Bank Demerara.The theme of this Conference is “Promoting the development of harmonious relations between ethnic groups and removing barriers to participation; ensuring equal opportunities and access for all”.This Conference will see the participation of Private Sector entities from all ten administrative regions, major businesses and the sole proprietors. This will be a gathering of Chairpersons of Boards,Cheap Jerseys Free, Managing Directors, Chief Executive Officers, Chief Financial Officers, Human Resources Managers/Directors and the Sole Proprietors/Owners.There will be a special meeting with members of the Business Community on October 26, 2010 at State House, Anna Regina at 5:00pm for Region Two business owners while a meeting will be held on October 28, 2010 at 6:00pm at the Aracari Resort, Plantation Versailles, West Bank Demerara for business owners in Region Three.

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