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發表於 2017-5-31 15:45:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Ministry of Public Works received bids yesterday for supervising consultancy of the extension of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) Airport. The bids were opened at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB), Ministry of Finance,Josh Lambo Chargers Jersey, Main Street.The expansion of CJIA’s runway is currently underway as China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) begins removing the soft peat and backfilling the area with sand. When completed the runway will be able to accommodate 747-400 aircraft, and will be extended from 7,500 feet to 10,Trey Burton Eagles Jersey,800 feet.The firms that offered consultancy services are:Bidder(1)   Vicab Engineering Consultants in Association with Louis Berges group of Canada(2)   Stanley Consultancy Inc in Association with Designs and Construction Inc Ltd of Guyana(3)   MMM Group of Canada in Association with Caribbean Engineering Group(4)   Stuart Consultancy Group of the U.S.A(5)   Egisavie from FranceStill in the sector,Joey Bosa Chargers Jersey, bids were opened for the consulting services for collection of Traffic Data for the determination of Average Daily Traffic (ADT) and Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT.)BidderAmount E&A ConsultancySealed bid submittedSRKN EngineeringSealed bid submittedMeanwhile,Wendell Smallwood Eagles Jersey, the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development received bids for the consultancy services for design of a hazardous waste management facility.BidderAmount EXP Service IncUS$98,Terrence Brooks Eagles Jersey,000Engineering Environment ArchitectureUS$180,858.80¢The Community Road Improvement Programme (CRIP), under the Housing Ministry, received a lone bid for the rehabilitation of factory road and back street (Helena #2) Mahaica,Wilbert Montgomery Eagles Jersey, East Coast Demerara.BidderAmountH. Nauth and Sons$73.5MEngineer’s Estimate $64.7MA retender was done for the supply and delivery of timer control relay and 60 Watt Light Emitting Diodes (LED) street lights under the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA.)BidderAmount Haier$2.8MFarfan and Mendes Ltd$4.4MGafsons Industries Ltd$4.1MThe Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) invited bids for the linking of roadways,Casey Hayward Chargers Jersey, North Block.BidderAmount Raj Sales and Services$1.1MRamraj General Contracting and Maintenance$1.2MVision General Construction Services$1.2MEngineer’s Estimate $1.2MThe Ministry of Labour, Human Services and Social Security received bids for the maintenance of Halfway Home at Sophia.BidderAmount Andrew Howard Construction Services$4MT. Bars Enterprise$2.6MEngineer’s Estimate $3.3MIn addition,Jelani Jenkins Dolphins Jersey, bids were opened for rehabilitation of office buildings under the Ministry of Labour,Jordan Cameron Dolphins Jersey, Human Services and Social Security.BidderAmount Andrew Howard Construction Services$22.3MAlvin Chowramootoo Construction Services$19.1MV.B New Approach General Construction$23.4MD&S Construction$22.5MEngineer’s Estimate $22.9M

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