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Guyana Power and Light Company yesterday reported that all works at Versailles Power Station is completed and six generators are now available, generating a total capacity of 8.5 mega watts.In a press release issued to the media yesterday,Authentic Dirk Nowitzki Mavericks Jersey, GPL informed consumers in West Demerara that it has also completed installing and activating voltage regulators at Stanleytown and Leonora.The power company’s Chief Executive Officer, Bharat Dindyal,Bojan Bogdanovic Nets Jersey, had made mention of the projects during a press briefing on September 11 last.The new installations came long after the press conference which was held to deal with the power situation on the West Coast of Demerara and on the East Bank of Essequibo.The deteriorating power demand on the West Coast was highlighted, and Dindyal promised that works to the Versailles Power Station and the installation of the voltage regulators would have been completed by the following Friday (September 18th).Despite the two-week delay, however, GPL has confirmed that with the 8.5MW  capacity now available the electricity supply has now returned to a “state of normalcy” the release reads.Meanwhile,Authentic Dwight Howard Hawks Jersey, GPL advises that Line Maintenance activities are continuing on schedule.This will result in what they call “isolated load shedding”,Tristan Thompson Cavaliers Swingman Jersey, which will be published in the print media “when the need arises.”On the other hand,Dwyane Wade Bulls Jersey, to ensure that the lone feeder does not exceed capacity,Jimmy Butler Bulls Jersey, GPL advises consumers to heed their conservation call and assist in the reduction of the demands at peak hours.Dindyal had pointed out that the ultimate solution to the problem in West Demerara would be to extend GPL’s 69KV transmission system to deliver bulk power to both Versailles and Edingburg.This, he said,Patrick Ewing USA Jersey, would eventually allow the West Coast to be served by three feeders rather than one, which is the current situation.According to Dindyal that project would be part of the transmission plan that would be implemented with Chinese financing in 2010.As recent as last Saturday the entire West Coast of Demerara was plunged into darkness for two days in a row,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, as the Guyana Power and Light Company claimed that it was conducting ‘maintenance.’On Saturday last,Authentic Nicolas Batum Hornets Jersey, residents on the West Coast of Demerara received a power outage that lasted from 9:00 hrs until 18:00 hrs. This also occurred the following day.

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