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Throwback Jerseys at 57 Norton Street









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發表於 2017-6-1 05:10:56 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Even as the police boast of increased patrols around the city to keep a lid on criminal activities, robberies continue at a pace unflattering to the law enforcement agency.Police records for Monday showed that there were four reported armed robberies, involving firearms, in Georgetown alone. Two of the robberies occurred late Monday afternoon while the other two took place between 22:30 and 23:30hours that day.The first involved Oshana Watkins,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, 17, a shop keeper, of Lot 75 Section ‘B’ Vergeneogen, East Bank Essequibo, who was robbed of her gold jewellery, a cellular phone and $52,000 by two men carrying guns, while she was tending to a business owned by Sonia Codrington, at 57 Norton Street, Lodge.Reports are that the men entered the grocery store and requested a purchase of cigarettes and mints.  As Watkins turned to get the items, one of the men confronted her by entering through a door at the side of the counter, pointed the gun at her and ordered her to lie on the ground.When Watkins complied, the men relieved her of the articles and escaped in a yellow motor car.A few hours later Nalini Singh, 30, a clerk, of 1576 Westminister, Parfait Harmonie, W.B.D and her friend Naton Gorfiers,NFL Jerseys Cheap China, 19, of Lot 109 Middle Road, La Penitence, were robbed by two men with guns.Singh was relieved of a shoulder bag containing a quantity of gold jewellery and $98,000,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, while her friend had her shoulder bag with valuables stolen. The incident occurred at Yarrow Dam, Ruimveldt.This newspaper understands that the two victims are employees at First Choice Jewellery Pawn Shop, located at Lot 71 Public Road, West Bank Demerara.On Monday around 16:05 hrs, they were heading to their employer, Ganesh Singh, who lives at Yarrow Dam, when they were approached by the two men who were on bicycles. The men held them at gunpoint and took away the items before making good their escape.Then at around 22:45 hours, office administrator Rehanna Douglas, 24, of Lot 358 New Market, Street, North Cummingsburg, was robbed of her cellular phone and her passport among other personal items.Her friend Lisa Louisa, 19, a student of the University of Guyana, was also robbed of her cellular phone, cash and other items.The act was committed by three men armed with knives and who were on bicycles, at Hadfield Street.According to the police the two women were sitting on a bench when the suspects approached them with their knives drawn. They pointed the weapons at the victims and carried out the robbery.And Dr. Farrah December was another victim of Monday’s spree. She was robbed of her two cellular phones while walking on Laluni Street in the vicinity of her New Garden Street, Queenstown home, again by two bicycle-riding gunmen.Kaieteur News understands that December was near her home when she was approached by the suspects, one of whom pulled out the handgun from his pants waist,Marlon Humphrey Jersey, placed it to her chest, and demanded she hand over her valuables.The terrified woman complied and the suspects made good their escape along Laluni Street.In all the cases, as in most incidents of similar nature recently, no arrests have been made and it is as if the criminals are always ahead of the police.Monday’s events continue a trend of armed robberies in the city alone,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, despite the assurances by the police of a number of mobile patrol units.Within recent years,Cheap Sports Jerseys, the police force has been provided with a number of vehicles including motorcycles, most of which have been deployed to the Georgetown Police Division.Yesterday Kaieteur News unsuccessfully tried to get a comment from Crime Chief Seelall Persaud but the Guyana Police Force recently put out figures that show a slight increase on criminal activity, armed robberies being one of them.The figures showed it is the Georgetown Division that is mainly responsible for this.

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