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發表於 2017-6-1 09:20:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Government will not be making monetary adjustments to contracts awarded to R.K. Security Services to match the new minimum wage, even as the company issued termination of service notices to several state entities with effect from July 15.This disclosure was made by Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon,Luis Sardinas Jersey, during his post-Cabinet press briefing yesterday at the Office of the President. In fact, there is absolutely nothing preventing security companies from resorting to provisions in their contracts that allow termination of services, he said.Termination notices by the company would be accepted and Government is prepared to retender the security contracts. And, R.K Security Services and other companies could bid for the contracts, Dr. Luncheon added.“Where employers holding or currently executing contracts feel so moved on whatever grounds… but those specifically relating to consequences of the implementation of the minimum wage order they can withdraw and squash the contract and then allow us to go back to tender and allow them to retender if they so intend,” Dr. Luncheon asserted.On May 9,Scott Feldman Jersey, last, Dr. Luncheon announced that full-time workers outside the Public Sector would be paid no less than $35,Arizona Diamondbacks Taijuan Walker Jersey,000 monthly, $8,Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim Cameron Maybin Jersey,000 weekly,New York Yankees Aroldis Chapman Jersey, or $200 per hour, from July 1. Moreover, the employees have a 40-hour work week and additional hours would be considered overtime and they would be appropriately compensated.Less than two weeks after the new minimum wage has been implemented, Roshan Khan, Chief Executive Officer of R.K. Security Services announced that his company, which provides security to some Ministries, Ministers’ residences and other Government entities, would be terminating services on July 15. In addition, the employment status of 80 or more security personnel and possible financial and management staff would be directly affected.According to Khan,Arizona Diamondbacks Gregor Blanco Jersey, the company has no objection to the new minimum wage and believes that it should have been implemented awhile ago. However, the company has a problem with the manner in which Cabinet decided to increase and the quickness to implement the minimum wage.Khan said that his company has written to Government requesting increased rates under his contracts,Tampa Bay Rays Tommy Hunter Jersey, but only received acknowledgement of receipts.“This is a very important,Milwaukee Brewers Neftali Feliz Jersey, vexing and disturbing issue…We have not had enough time to approach our clients for an increase. And, within the short time that we did, we are losing the contracts from those clients, because the economy is not as robust as we would like it to be, the economy is not doing well, and the business people are taken by shock,” he added.He said that some clients are trying to work out a system to meet the additional $62 per hour with the new minimum wage, but, their proposals of part payments would result in the company suffering a loss, even to the point of bankruptcy.According to Dr. Luncheon,Will Middlebrooks Jersey, “Cabinet has been briefed earlier on its minimum wage initiative and indeed has dealt with more recently some of these consequences, particularly those raised by employers in the security sector and the manufacturing sector.”“Cabinet remains convinced about the morality of its position…a view that is shared reasonably, not unexpectedly by employees. I can’t imagine otherwise setting the minimum wage. The 40-hour per week for employers has over this same period of time thrown up objections on their part and I think efforts have been made by the Minister of Labour and the Ministry and at the level of the Tripartite Committee.”

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