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發表於 2017-6-1 18:09:34 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Vijay Lalman ,Tom Waddle Bears Jersey, a 25-year-old porter of Moruca Village,Joe Theismann Redskins Jersey, North West District died some three days after he fell from a moving truck in his area.Reports are that Lalman fell off a truck on Sunday, while transporting goods.The man’s reputed wife,Andre Tippett Patriots Jersey, Christine Joseph said that Lallman was immediately air dashed to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he was admitted. The man died some time Wednesday evening while being treated at the hospital.According to Joseph the man with whom her husband works has since offered to assist them with funeral arrangements and finances.Meanwhile as if the man’s death is not enough for the family,Dave Robinson Packers Jersey, Joseph said they are now in the middle of a battle with other relatives over her reputed husband’s remains.The woman who has a one year-old child for Lallman,Robert Newhouse Cowboys Jersey, with whom she has been living with for more than seven years,Mike Quick Eagles Jersey, said that she was told by police that the body will not be handed over to her.The woman said that the police have opted to give her reputed husband’s remains to a man with whom he grew up with. The woman said she will not let the matter go down since she feels her reputed husband would have wanted her to give him his final farewell and not his adopted parents.But Vijay’s adopted father Clayton Griffith is demanding to bury his “son”. Christine Joseph  said that the man has no relationship whatever with his son and that she and her daughter are his family.The grieving wife added that every time her husband made contact with his father he would be verbally abused,Wilbert Montgomery Eagles Jersey, and to spare himself the hurt he eventually stopped calling.The father,Peyton Manning Colts Jersey, she said,Art Monk Redskins Jersey, never made any attempt to contact his son or his granddaughter.“One time we went and visit and them ain’t treat we good at all” said Christine.

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