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發表於 2017-6-2 16:20:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Red Thread women’s group recently made its intentions clear that it will stage a protest against the recent pay hike awarded to Government officials. The protest will be held in front of Parliament Building next Thursday.The group aims to let the government know that the country’s citizens are highly annoyed. “We know it may not change anything but we are not just going to stand idly by as they do what they want,” stated a member of the Red Thread organization.Member of the Red Thread organization, Joy Marcus, said that the women’s group is highly offended by the 50 per cent increase for Government officials while public servants only received a mere five per cent increase in their salaries in the recent budget.“We don’t think it is right to tell workers that the country doesn’t have money to give more increases for public servants and pensioners, yet you (government officials) can give yourself and everyone else an increase. Public Assistance persons only receive $6,500 a month while they (government officials) are already getting a lot of perks and still they have raised their salaries. They gave the excuse that the officials must be paid for their “quality work”. What kind or work is everyone else doing then?” Joy Marcus asked.The women of the organization were also said to be “highly insulted” in the way the matter of the pay rise was dealt with. The lack of a public announcement regarding the pay increase was seen as a “sneaky” act by the administration, an act very similar to the ones they condemned during their time as the opposition.The justification for the pay increase given by Minister of State, Joseph Harmon,Cheap Jerseys, stated that Government officials needed to be paid well so that they will not be tempted to “thief” like former Ministers. The women saw this justification as disturbing as it insinuates that Government officials cannot survive on $500,000 a month while “normal tax-paying Guyanese” are expected to survive on $6,500, $17,000 and $50,000 per month without any of the benefits enjoyed by government officials.The Red Thread organization was founded in 1986 with a goal to provide services to women and children exploited in unequal power relations and simultaneously work to change those relations.

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