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發表於 2017-6-2 20:04:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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President of the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) Colwyn King has resigned in light of the pending trial with respect to his alleged sexual liaison with a minor.King was yesterday remanded to prison after making a court appearance before Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson, at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.King, 46,Scottie Pippen USA Jersey, and a father of five,Harrison Barnes Mavericks Swingman Jersey, is accused of having carnal knowledge of a female under 15 years old on October 6. He was not required to plead to the indictable offence and was represented by attorney at law Mark Waldron.The lawyer made a bail application and stated that his client was not a flight risk. He added that King was released on station bail and was reporting to the police. The prosecution objected to bail and stated that there was the likelihood of the defendant tampering with witnesses.King’s lawyer interjected and told the court that since King was released he has never made an attempt to pervert the course of justice. He added that King has fully cooperated with the police.The matter was called up to the bench and after a lengthy discussion, the magistrate denied bail.The Director of Public Prosecutions had recommended that charges be instituted against King for having carnal knowledge of a minor.The GTU president was arrested on October 14 and was released on $100,Authentic Andre Drummond Pistons Jersey,000 bail after a teenaged girl levelled charges of being sexually involved with him at a Princes Street Hotel. Following the saga the Guyana Teachers Union,Bojan Bogdanovic Nets Jersey, in support of King, made it clear that the members were standing by their president. During a press conference, General Secretary Coretta Mc Donald expressed the view that the allegations were fabricated. The GTU President was arrested after a 15-year-old girl alleged that King had sexual intercourse with her at a hotel after buying her a meal on October 6.According to the allegations, on the night in question King saw the girl,Authentic Wesley Matthews Mavericks Jersey, a Sophia resident,Authentic Jimmy Butler Bulls Jersey, walking along Sheriff Street,Authentic Dwight Howard Hawks Jersey, in the vicinity of the seawall.It is alleged that he drove up alongside and enquired of her well-being and allegedly offered to get her something to eat,Taj Gibson Bulls Swingman Jersey, as she was hungry.Police sources said that the girl claimed that she was at home alone in Sophia when the area was hit by a power outage.Police Commissioner Henry Greene had earlier said that the girl left her home because she had a quarrel with her mother. But according to the teen,Avery Bradley Celtics Swingman Jersey, she decided to take a walk because she was afraid to be at home alone in the darkness.Both King and the teen had a confrontation at the East La Penitence police station, where the teen allegedly identified him.

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