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發表於 2017-6-2 22:52:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– residents want IMC to manage areaThe Assistant Overseer of the Grove/Diamond Neighbourhood Democratic Council was up to late yesterday still in police custody for the disappearance of over $400,Artie Burns Steelers Jersey,000 in cash.Reports are that the official was tasked with depositing the cash in the bank during the week but that did not occur.The NDC, once considered a model for its work,Steve Grogan Patriots Jersey, has been under fire in recent times. Its previous Overseer reportedly resigned in a cloud of suspicion.The arrest of the Assistant Overseer comes at a time when residents of the area which include Grove, Kaneville,Eric Rowe Patriots Jersey, and the New Diamond and Golden Grove Housing Schemes, have been complaining over garbage piles.The trench at the entrance of the Diamond Housing Scheme covered by overgrown weed.Some have called for the disbandment of the Council and the establishment of an Interim Management Committee (IMC).According to former Overseer, Mohamed Kassim, a letter petitioning the establishment of the committee was sent to the Minister of Local Government and Regional Development,Andre Tippett Patriots Jersey, Ganga Persaud, in December 2011. However,Ra Shede Hageman Falcons Jersey, to date nothing has been done.The petition complained about mal-administration by some Councillors that resulted in the NDC being ill-equipped to execute day-to-day functions,Chris Hogan Patriots Jersey, including regular garbage collection, drainage works, road maintenance and the clearing of encumbrances on parapets.According to Kassim,Julius Peppers Packers Jersey, in June 2011, it became evident that the NDC had financial troubles. Subsequently, residents wrote the then Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Norman Whittaker, seeking his intervention.Residents are still waiting for the publishing of financial records which were supposedly submitted to the Ministry for auditing. The inaction of the Ministry has led to the deterioration of the NDC, Kassim believes.Garbage collection and drainage works have been interrupted owing to the absence of funds.Though the Council has resumed garbage collection, weeks of neglect resulted in the creation of illegal dumps on parapets. Moreover,Brian Poole Falcons Jersey, the pathway leading to Grove’s closed dumpsite is overflowing with garbage.Resident says that for almost 10 months now,New England Patriots Jerseys, drains in the areas were neither cleared of silt nor weeded. The fear now is that heavy rains could cause flooding.Region Four Chairman Clement Corlette says the solution to the problems with the NDC does not lie in the setting up of IMCs, but in Local Government elections, which will usher in a fresh breed of neighbourhood councils.

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