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Bart Starr Packers Jersey 51521









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發表於 2016-11-4 00:49:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Bucs rookie passer Jameis Winston urged fans not to panic over his hot-and-cold preseason debut.    He's right. There were positives to pull from his first NFL outing -- and more than enough confidence behind the scenes that Winston can adapt to the pro game.    The Bucs have felt that way since March,Craig Smith Jersey, long before the draft, when Tampa's coaching staff tested Winston's football smarts during his first visit with the team. The signal-caller blew them away.    Every game,Blank Chile Jersey, all season    ESPN's John Clayton wrote how the Bucs drew a rash of plays on the board,Bilal Powell Jets Jersey, diving deep into the details of how each call worked with seven or eight points of complex study.    Winston watched without taking notes before leaving to meet with people around the building. He returned to the board hours later and explained every one of those plays in rich, exact detail. The Bucs told Clayton that Winston graded out at 100 percent.    Well, ever since I was six, I had a little notebook with coverages and notes on the mental aspect of a game,cheap jerseys, what it meant to be a leader and what type of attitude you had to have, Winston told Clayton. When I was young,Cheap Jerseys, I always wanted to be great at football.    Winston claims to have a photographic memory,Bart Starr Packers Jersey, saying: I learn in different ways. If I can visualize what's going on and see what's happening, I can go out there and do it out there on the field.    Some guys can be really smart,Adam Oates Jersey, but he can see it on the field, it gets to his brain and it triggers to his release fast, said Bucs offensive coordinator Dirk Koetter. He sees the field well. Some guys can be really smart but they don't see the field very good. He does see the field.             That knowledge didn't prevent Winston from throwing a pick and completing just 9 of 19 passes in his preseason debut. Still, Winston showed resolve in driving the team down the field on a nine-play,Bobby Orr Jersey, 76-yard touchdown march before the half.    Much has been made of Marcus Mariota's pro-ready smarts, but the Bucs didn't draft an on-field dunce,official Auston Matthews Jersey, either, leaving Koetter to say of Winston: He's sharp.    The latest Around The NFL Podcast continues with its fantasy extravaganza and takes you behind the scenes in Cleveland with Marc Sessler.

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