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– Executive Secretary Mustapha asks Berbicians to turn out in support   As he riled up a large crowd at the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) rally yesterday at Estate Road, Albion Corentyne,Nick Castellanos Tigers Jersey, Berbice, Executive Secretary,DJ LeMahieu Rockies Jersey, Zulifkar Mustapha announced that former President Bharrat Jagdeo will not be honoring his expected court appearance today.Former President Bharrat JagdeoJagdeo had been summoned to appear before the courts to answer criminal charges over racially divisive statements he reportedly made at Babu Jaan, Port Mourant last month.As a result Jagdeo, who had served as President from 1999 to 2011, was slated to appear at the Whim Magistrate’s Court today on the charge which was filed by Attorney-at-Law,Jerseys NFL Wholesale China Online, Christopher Ram.But Mustapha told PPP supporters that efforts to get Jagdeo to answer to the court will go in vain as “he will not go, his lawyers will speak for him.”Further,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale China, Mustapha called on Berbicans to turn out today in support of Jagdeo. He asked that they assemble outside the court.The crowd responded with much enthusiasm.The former President is being accused of making statements to the public at large,NFL Jerseys Cheap, at a public meeting held at Babu Jaan, Corentyne, Berbice, on March 8,NFL Jerseys Outlet, last. The charge reads that the comments “can result in racial or ethnic violence or hatred among the people.”A summons was issued by recently appointed Magistrate Charlyn Artiga for service on Jagdeo. He will be required to appear personally in the court and plead to the criminal charge.Jagdeo came under fire after his delivery at a Memorial Ceremony held for former President and founder-leader of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Dr. CheddiJagan.Jagdeo had said “…consistently, they shout about racism of the PPP,China Jerseys Cheap, but they practice racism. They whisper campaigns. In the last elections they went to some of the Afro-Guyanese villages and beat some drums at six o’clock in the morning and say let us throw out these coolie people.“Get up, go out and vote; throw out the coolie people. That’s the kind of language they use. Anybody from our party who uses that sort of language, we will kick them out. This is our approach.”Senior Counsel, Bernard De Santos was named as one of Jagdeo’s lawyers.

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