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發表於 2017-6-4 14:20:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A 13-year-old West Bank Demerara girl who went missing for two weeks has returned home with a sordid tale of being lured into the interior of Guyana to get involved in prostitution.The teen’s mother who was arrested for “trafficking in persons”, three days after the teen had left, was released on station bail.According to the teen, she was told by her two friends,Bart Starr Packers Jersey,  whose names she gave as ‘B-Girl’ and ‘Maria’ that a woman by the name of Simone will take them to Venezuela to do “house work.”The teen said during their journey, Simone told her that she wasn’t going to Venezuela anymore,Tevin Coleman Falcons Jersey, but instead,Taylor Gabriel Falcons Jersey, she will be taking them to the interior where she operates a business.“She take us to a wooden building,Brett Favre Packers Jersey, with four rooms and a shop which sells alcohol. The next day, I see my friends them with Brazilian men and they were forcing me but I refused,Mel Blount Steelers Jersey,” the teen claimed.She explained that after they arrived at the location she realized that she was brought there to become a sex worker. The teen described the building she was staying at as a brothel.“The Brazilian men them would come in and choose the girls and they will go up in the rooms,Tony Gonzalez Falcons Jersey,” she said.The Brazilians would pay the owner of the place one pennyweight of gold for one hour with the girls.“One day, Simone try to force me to have sex with an old man. When I refused,Carnell Lake Steelers Jersey, all of them vex up with me and stop talking to me. Dem does go out and come in with the man them and I does ga sell in the shop and wash wares,Tom Brady Patriots Jersey,” the teen revealed.She is unable to say the name of the place they were taken but “my friends them know is where. They does go at some place called Black Water to call their father but they don’t want take me, I don’t know why.”She explained that she was continuously weeping to come home but her two friends and Simone were busy doing their “business”.According to the 13-year-old, one day her friend had gone to call her father and when she returned,Vic Beasley Jr Falcons Jersey, she was told that her mother was arrested. “When I hear that I tell them that I want to come home and Simone give me $10,000 and my friend follow me halfway and she went back.”The teen said that before she left the building, she overheard Simone saying that they will vacate the building by this week since the business is illegal.The teenager, however, returned home and related the horrifying tale to her family members.This publication understands that it is a usual business for Simone to take young girls in the “bush” to become sex workers.

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