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Cheap Jerseys From China Rajkumar and Amrita Singh









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發表於 2017-6-4 18:16:01 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Families and members of the Alliance For Change conducted a peaceful protest, outside the Region Two Administration compound, in solidarity with the victims’ families, who perished last December in the tragic Pomeroon boat accident.That accident claimed six lives — three adults and three children.The protest was aimed at primarily lobbying for assistance, both financial and social, from the Government and from senior members of the Region Two Administration.AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan and protestors.The protesters included Chairman of AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan, who stood in solidarity with the protesters displayed placards proclaiming “I am the lone survivor;�  “God saved me�; “Our president lied to us;�  and “we know the Murderers.�Ramjattan said that while he felt a sense of human compassion to  support the grieving families, he felt that a lot more should have been done,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey, especially by the Region Two Administration and the Government.The preliminary inquiry into the matter began earlier this month. Seerie Singh,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, who lost two of his young children, Rajkumar and Amrita Singh,Cheap Sports Jerseys, on December 18, began his testimony at the Charity Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Sunil Scarce.The lone survivor, 12-year-old Ornan Rodriguez, has since develop complications from his head injuries. His uncle and now guardian, Sherman Lyght, said the child’s head is inflamed but efforts to seek medical care have been hampered by financial constraints.Boat driver, Harrynarine Bhagwandeen, his cousin Vincent Singh, Zelda Rodriguez, her son Shawn Rodriguez,NFL Jerseys China Online, Rajkumar and his sister Amrita, all died after the boat that was transporting them to Adams Creek, in the Pomeroon River,Artemi Panarin Jersey, on December 18, last, was run over by a boat belonging to the Region Two Administration.The Region Two boat was being piloted by Hypitall Ramdahin, a/k “Buddy.�  Ramdahin, who was transporting members of the One Lap Top Per Family programme, Persaud and his wife. There boat was heading in the opposition direction.Ramdahin has being charged with one count of manslaughter and is  currently on $600.000 bail. He is being represented by a lawyer provided by the Region Two Administration,Cheap Jerseys Free, Pragaaj Huckhumchand.

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