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發表於 2017-6-5 02:39:41 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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–    says Former Top Cop on logistics committeeA Partnership for National Unity (APNU) spokesperson Amna Ally yesterday clarified the party’s position in relation to Former Commissioner of Police Winston Felix with respect to his being a prominent fixture in its Nomination Day entourage.According to Ally,NBA Authentic Jerseys, Felix is an integral part of APNU’s campaign team and serves on its operations and logistics committee.APNU’s Lance Carberry told members of the media that Felix serves in an integral role in terms of the Georgetown organization.Ally also explained that Felix is a candidate for APNU, “secondly Mr. Winston Felix is integrally involved in APNUs campaign”.Prior to those statements, one of the party’s recently introduced candidates George Bulkan told media operatives that the People’s Progressive Party “should be ashamed to criticize Commissioner Felix when they starved the Guyana Police Force of funds and vital resources while facilitating the equipping of Roger Khan and his personal army of assassins”.Former Top Cop Winston Felix“The PPP has the effrontery to speak about former Guyana Police Commissioner, Mr. Winston Felix, and through the voice of Kwame McCoy,Cheap Sports Jerseys, whose mad, power drunk behaviour is the symbol of the debauchery,Cheap Jerseys From China, sickness and depravity now entrenched in this gang of thieves called the PPP/C,” said Bulkan.He told media operatives, too, that the administration is “so fearless and barefaced in their thievery that they have no pangs of conscience when they stole the front-lands of a village, bought from the blood and sweat of former slaves, to build mansions from the proceeds of corruption…It is most shocking that they would have chosen a village with such historical significance to build an enclave of mansions, obviously,Fernando Rodney Jersey, from the proceeds of bloody drug money and stolen tax-payers money”.He said that the great insensitivity is displayed by this brazen theft to build mansions merely yards away from the evident surroundings of abject poverty.“Just take a look at the roads in Sparendaam and Plaisance. Just take a look at the thousands of unemployed young men and women ravaged by the scourge of drugs from which these Government thieves are reaping benefits to build their lavish lifestyles.”He said too that “the PPP has the effrontery to attack Commissioner Felix when they themselves acted in concert with Roger Khan, and his cohorts in the GPF, to bug Commissioner Felix’s phone and office to further their criminal activities.”PPP/C Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar recently called on Felix to provide answers, specifically on the recorded conversation allegedly between himself and former PNCR Member of Parliament (MP) and other APNU candidate Basil Williams.“I have said publicly before, I have said it in Parliament over and over…I have asked Mr. Basil Williams to explain what he meant when he said, to Felix, thanks for helping us out by turning that thing away from us and Felix, since he is going into the political arena, needs to explain now why he helped the PNC out by turning the thing away from them,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, because he,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, himself, admitted that he turned the thing away from them in the telephone conversation,” Ramotar stated.

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