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Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey the European Union









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發表於 2017-6-8 03:01:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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PAT DIALA few days ago a travelling Exhibition on child abuse was launched under the auspices of UNICEF in collaboration with the Ministries of Social Protection and Public Security,Throwback Jerseys, the European Union, the Guyana Police Force and several NGOs.  The Exhibition consists of artwork done by sexually abused children and would be travelling to various police stations countrywide.The paintings and drawings manifest the terrible sufferings sexually abused children have to bear, resulting in their having lifelong scars on their psyche.  Such abuse destroys personality and continues to be destructive even as the child grows into adulthood.Ms Marilyn Flatt,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, the UNICEF representative, in her remarks at the launching of the Exhibition, described the hopeless, silent and severe suffering which envelop abused children: “Children often remain silent because they find it difficult to talk of their abuse because they are afraid and are not sure where to turn>”Much of the child abuse occur within families   The abuser is very often an older relative who had inveigled himself into the trust of the child and uses the respect for age which the child has in carrying out his wicked designs.Ms Flatt suggested in her remarks how such abuse could be dealt with: “Children need to know that they need to speak out and not to be afraid and to speak out when they are being touched inappropriately … We can prevent and protect children from suffering abuse and violence beginning in early childhood through parenting education and changing attitudes and beliefs that encourage violence and discrimination at an early age.  Educating families, caregivers and parents on their child’s early development increase the likelihood that they will use positive disciplining methods and thus reduce the risk of violence within the home.”First Lady Sandra Granger, in her feature address at the launching noted, “Increasingly the Internet and mobile phones also put children at risk of social violence as some adults look to the Internet to pursue sexual relationships with children.”We will enjoin both adults and children to visit the Exhibition, the first time an Exhibition of this type has been mounted in Guyana.  The drawings and paintings bring home the horror of child sexual abuse and one feels abhorrence to it.  We think the Exhibition should also be mounted in the prisons.The Exhibition was meant to highlight one important aspect of child abuse though the organizers of the Exhibition are fully aware of the other aspects of child abuse.Because of uninformed parenting,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, most children to a greater or lesser extent suffer much mental and emotional distress.  Most adults tend to treat children as if they were little adults and are not aware of the special needs of children at various ages as they grow into adulthood.  For example,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey, a child between 8 to 12 years is changing from infancy to childhood and between 14 and 18 years is becoming an adolescentWith the onset of adolescence,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, certain glands of the body which did not function before now begin to function producing new chemical substances leading to emotional instability.  Certain physical changes begin to take place in the body such as hair on the face of boys,  And  the adolescent  sometimes behave like and adult and at other times like a child causing puzzlement and irritation to parents and others with whom the adolescent comes into contact.  The adolescent has no conscious control over such changes or behavior.Whipping of children in schools and by certain teachers and even by parents because they are slow or fail to comprehend what they are taught will never help children and may damage children’s capabilities.  The teacher or parent should realize that he or she has failed to find the way of communicating with the children.Parents should also try to understand peer pressure on their children and learn how to accommodate them.  Or frequent harsh speech,Cheap Sports Jerseys, or embarrassing or violence to a child for some perceived offence or failing could cause a child to quietly ignore parents or may even result in open rebelliousness or even delinquency.Parents must understand that they have to learn parenting and to empathize with their children.  It would be helpful if all parents were to be exposed to a few hours of Child Psychology.  This could be done on the TV or at parent-teachers meetings.

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