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發表於 2016-11-7 03:27:36 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Stand up and put your hands together for the Jacksonville Jaguars.    Nine games into a trying,Angelo Henriquez Chile Jersey, often soul-crushing campaign,Kurt Warner Cardinals Throwback Jersey, Gus Bradley's team outplayed,Cheap Jerseys From China, outhustled and outlasted the Titans in a 29-27 stunner over Tennessee.    Jacksonville, to the naked eye, simply wanted this one more. The Titans (4-5) bordered on comatose out of the gate, spitting up turnovers early and withering up behind Jake Locker, who left the game in the first half with a potentially season-ending right foot injury. In came Ryan Fitzpatrick,Chris Tillman Orioles Jersey, who rallied Tennessee late,wholesale jerseys, but it wasn't enough.     The Jacksonville jokes have come easily this season,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, but nobody in Rocky Top is chuckling about the stench coach Mike Munchak presided over on Sunday.    Here's what else we learned:             1. Locker left the game averaging 2.7 yards per attempt. His play has improved this season,Cheap Jerseys Store, but the Titans have to think long and hard about the plan at quarterback. Locker's brittle nature makes him a risky long-term option unless Tennessee plans to invest heavily, year after year, in a reliable No. 2.    2. Chris Johnson ran with purpose and renewed burst against the Rams last week,A.J. Klein Jersey UK, but finished with just 30 yards against the Jaguars and coughed up the ball on Tennessee's first play from scrimmage. It wasn't just Johnson, as the Titans had five fumbles -- three of them lost -- on the day.    3. Justin Blackmon's suspension is a killer for Jacksonville's puny passing game, but Cecil Shorts and Mike Brown show flashes of playmaking ability. Plug in a legitimate quarterback, and this trio -- if Blackmon can stay clean -- gives the Jaguars something to build from.              WillBlackmon             4. Bernard Pollard was a disaster on Sunday. The Titans safety kept a third-quarter Jaguars drive alive when he whacked Chad Henne as the Jaguars passer was sliding to a stop. Personal foul. Three plays later,Cheap Jerseys From China, Pollard was flagged for unnecessary roughness on a high-flying leap into Henne's grill on third down. Roughing the passer. Jacksonville went on to punch in a touchdown that put them up 20-7.    5. The Jaguars weren't able to rip up Tennessee's run defense like Zac Stacy did in Week 9. Maurice Jones-Drew and friends were kept to 1.8 yards a tote, which stopped the bleeding of Tennessee allowing 100-plus yards in five of six games coming in.    6. It's near impossible to take Tennessee seriously as an AFC playoff contender. With the Indianapolis Colts looking vulnerable after being smashed by the St. Louis Rams, Sunday was a perfect chance for the Titans to beat a lesser opponent. Instead -- for the first 30 minutes -- this looked more like Tennessee's second bye week:         #Titans have lost to the worst team in football in each of Mike Munchak's three years as their coach. Unless someone overtakes #Jaguars.— Paul Kuharsky (@PaulKuharskyNFL)     November 10, 2013            The latest Around The League Podcast previews every Week 10 game, including the heavyweight battle between the Carolina Panthers and San Francisco 49ers.

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