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發表於 2017-6-9 13:26:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– appeal for tighter security in area Two University of Guyana (UG) lecturers were the victims of a brazen gunpoint robbery around noon yesterday, just a few meters from the university campus.Melna Castro, a Panamanian who lectures in Spanish, and Susy Lewis, a Nicaragua national who is a lecturer attached to the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, were held at gunpoint while sitting in a restaurant on University of Guyana Road,Johnny Bench Reds Jersey, Turkeyen.Mrs. Lewis has been living in Guyana for the past 20 years. She has Guyanese citizenship and is the wife of Mr. Lawrence Lewis,NFL Jerseys Sale, the former dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry.Mrs. Lewis told Kaieteur News that she was sitting in the Spicy Dish Restaurant,Cheap Jerseys From China, located near the second gate of the Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE),Justin Upton Tigers Jersey, with Melna Castro, who was waiting for her husband.The lecturer recalled that they had purchased some channa and fruit juices when a man entered the restaurant and bought a bottle of water. Mrs. Lewis said that the man then walked up to them, pulled out a handgun, and ordered them to hand over their bags.“I looked at the gun, I looked at his face…my friend start to scream,” she said. “I pulled my bag and he pointed the gun at me.” She said that the robber then snatched their handbags and ran outside.Mrs. Lewis said that the bandit joined a waiting motorcyclist and the two men escaped in the direction of Sophia.   The lecturer said that she lost her credit cards,Josh Hart College Jersey, national identification card, office keys and $8,000 in local currency. Mrs. Castro’s stolen valuables included her cell phone and house and car keys.Mrs. Lewis said that they made a report at the Turkeyen Police Station and she also notified her bank about the stolen credit cards.In light of the brazen attack, Mrs. Lewis expressed concern that both UG and CPCE staffers and students were vulnerable to similar robberies, particularly at night.“We need more security in the area. It’s not so much what you lose, but the fact that at 12:30 (in the day) someone can point a gun at you.”A senior university official also expressed the need for police patrols near the campus,Chicago White Sox Jerseys, since students have been robbed while traversing the area during the evenings.

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