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NFL Jerseys Cheap China Shirley Thomas









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發表於 2017-6-10 03:17:41 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– released into parents’ custodyFlanked by his parents and well-wishers, the 14-year-old boy whose torture triggered countrywide outrage, was discharged from the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation around 11:00 hrs yesterday.No police rank was in sight when the lad and his parents left the hospital, and it is unclear whether he is still being considered a suspect in the murder of former Region Three Chairman Ramnauth Bisram.His mother, Shirley Thomas, said that he is scheduled to return for a checkup on November 26.According to his mother and stepfather,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, police officials have not indicated whether the teen should check with them. People who are deemed suspects are usually required to do so.The teenage torture victim and his parents preparing to leave the hospitalMs. Thomas said that while her son’s condition had improved,China Jerseys Cheap, he still suffers some discomfort.The teen from Canal Number Two,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, West Bank Demerara, was admitted to the GPHC with burns to the genitals, thighs and midriff two weeks ago after police ranks at the Leonora Police Station doused him with methylated spirits and set him alight.At the time, the ranks were interrogating the lad about the murder of Ramnauth Bisram,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, who was found stabbed to death in his home.The boy alleged in the presence of his attorney, that the ranks stripped him of his clothing, tied his hands with wire and covered his head before setting him alight.According to the young torture victim, the rogue policemen also struck him on the ears and head after he repeatedly denied being involved in Bisram’s murder.“I keep telling them that I didn’t do nothing,” he told reporters yesterday.According to the lad,Cheap Sports Jerseys, who says he cannot read, the ranks wrote a statement and forced him to sign it.After inflicting the injuries,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey, the policemen placed the youth in a cell and failed to inform his parents of his whereabouts.He was released and hospitalised on the very day that Kaieteur News published a photograph of his injuries.In an interview with the Kaieteur News, Dr. Mahendra Chand, the force’s in-house physician said that he had examined the victim at the Vreed-en-Hoop Police Station.According to Dr. Chand, the teen was brought out of the lockups with his face concealed.The doctor said that he assumed that the prisoner had been injured in a domestic dispute. According to him, the prisoner had suffered first degree burns and he prescribed antibiotic medication.According to Dr. Chand, he advised the ranks to take the prisoner  to the hospital.But the ranks ignored Dr. Chand’s advice and returned the injured lad to the lockups, where he spent four days before the Kaieteur News story on his treatment resulted in him being taken to hospital.Several local and international organisations have expressed with outrage at the barbaric treatment the lad received at the hands of the lawmen.However, although two policemen have been charged for inflicting injuries on another suspect in Bisram’s murder, charges are still to be instituted against the ranks who tortured the teen.

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