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發表於 2017-6-10 15:49:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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During a brazen daylight robbery yesterday, the owner of Intimate Touch Beauty Supplies and Boutique, Molly Jeffers, was relieved of approximately $70,000 and her mobile phone.Jeffers explained that, at approximately 13:15 hours, a man entered her establishment at 85 Carmichael Street,Jim Thome Indians Jersey, South Cummingsburg, searching for medicine for ‘latta.’ He enquired as to whether or not the medicine was sold there, adding that he also wanted some baby oil. Jeffers produced the items and was in the process of cashing them when the man requested some ‘AA’ batteries. After the batteries were produced, the man picked up his mobile phone and apparently made a call. While he was on the phone, he asked the person on the other end what else they needed him to buy. Still on the phone, he said that he would also require some hair relaxer and some ‘pink oil.’As Jeffers turned to her computer to find out how much the items would cost, she said, she saw the man fiddling with something on the ground. At this point, the man pulled a long kitchen knife and instructed her to “sit down on de ground,” near to her computer.   Jeffers explained that, as she hesitated, the man said, “Wha yuh doin? Like yuh wan yuh blood shed?”She said that she sat on the ground near to her computer, and the man proceeded to empty the cash register, stuffing the money into his pockets. After emptying the register, the thief proceeded to the front of the store, where he closed the door and then returned to where Jeffers was still sitting on the ground.As the bandit was closing the front door, Jeffers said, she reached for a knife which was lying on the table near to her computer. Returning, the thief saw her hand close to the knife and asked her what her hand was doing there.She responded that she was not doing anything, before removing her hand from the table. At this point, the thief ransacked her handbag, removing a quantity of money which, Jeffers said, was supposed to be spent on her daughter’s school expenses, and her new mobile phone. Compounding the situation, Jeffers explained, is the fact that she had repeatedly pressed the silent buzzer summoning the security service to her store, and apparently the company called her to ask what the matter was.  Jeffers said that she was unable to answer the phone as the robber was still in the store. When contacted, an officer from the security service, who asked to remain anonymous, said that standard procedure at his company was to dispatch a response team and also to call the location.According to him, the team was at the location in under five minutes, as they were already within the area, and was even complimented by Jeffers for their timely response. Jeffers, who was visibly traumatised, said that her business has never been robbed before.

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