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發表於 2017-6-10 17:57:08 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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International human rights group, Amnesty International, is calling for a thorough, independent, impartial and timely probe into the assassination of the political activist, Courtney Crum-Ewing, to bring those responsible to justice.Political Activist, Courtney Crum-EwingThe international watchdog also called on the Guyanese authorities to guarantee a favourable context and peaceful atmosphere for the exercise of freedom of expression, association and assembly and other civil and political rights.In a document headlined “Guyana: Political activist killed ahead of elections: Courtney Crum-Ewing,” the group also urged the authorities to provide adequate protection to political activists, journalists and human rights defenders who might be at risk as a result of the exercise of their right to freedom of expression.The human rights body has noted that the killing of a political activist during the pre-electoral period fuels fear that further violence and limitations to freedom of expression may occur.The international body said that in recent months,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Online, Crum-Ewing had reported receiving threats from members of the ruling party and filed two complaints with the police. It further noted that after his killing, his mother stated that those reports had not been adequately dealt with.“Several members of both the opposition and the ruling parties have condemned the killing of Courtney Crum-Ewing and have urged the police to thoroughly investigate it. However, given the sensitive electoral context and the police poor record in solving high-profile murder cases, there are fears that this killing might exacerbate political tensions, spark further violence and have a chilling effect on freedom of expression,” Amnesty International said.It is against that backdrop that the body has made the appeal to Prime Minister, Samuel Hinds; Police Commissioner, Seelall Persaud; Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mohabir Anil Nandlall as well as diplomatic representatives accredited locally.Crum-Ewing was killed on March 10, last, in the East Bank Demerara neighbourhood shortly after “he had called on local residents through a bullhorn to vote in the upcoming legislative elections, scheduled on May 11, in order to oust the incumbent ruling party.”The body noted that the autopsy showed that Crum-Ewing was shot five times, with three shots to the head and another at point blank range from behind his neck. Police initially said a car with four men drove up and discharged the shots at him before driving off.Amnesty International went on to say that a few days later, the police arrested two men but on March 16, last announced that they were most probably going to be cleared of the crime.“Courtney Crum-Ewing had staged a protest for several weeks outside the office of the Attorney General between November and December 2014 calling for his resignation following allegations of corruption and threats to journalists,” the body said.Amnesty is of the view that the political situation in Guyana has become tense since November 2014, “when ahead of a no-confidence vote against his government the President took the rare constitutional measure of “proroguing” Parliament, which effectively suspended it.”The organisation reported that the President justified this measure as necessary “to allow the parties in Parliament additional opportunities to talk” and resolve the pressing national issues that were confronting them.The opposition criticized this measure as anti-democratic and as a means to avoid calling elections, it said.  On February 24,Chicago Cubs Jerseys, last,Boston Red Sox Jerseys, the President finally announced the dissolution of Parliament and called for elections on May 11.“Politics in Guyana have traditionally reinforced an ethnic divide, with one major party drawing support from the Afro-descendent population and the other from the descendants of East Indians,” the international body said.Continuing,Jeff Keppinger White Sox Jersey, Amnesty noted that though Guyanese people of different ethnic groups generally maintain harmonious relations, each had in the past fallen victim to the other during instances of racially-motivated violence, which has left painful memories and underlying tensions.On March 14, the Guyanese Human Rights Association (GHRA) expressed concerns that “the murder of Courtney Crum-Ewing might also be seen as the beginning of a process of manipulating ethnic insecurity aimed at people voting for ‘race’, rather than for their political convictions. These tactics have distorted Guyanese elections for the past sixty years.”Courtney Crum-Ewing had started protesting against the Attorney General after the publication of a recording in which the Attorney General told journalists of the independent news outlet Kaieteur News that if they continued linking the government to corruption scandals they might suffer an attack.On November 18, last the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR) issued a request for precautionary measures on behalf of three Kaieteur news journalists,Jerseys NFL Wholesale China Online, requesting that the State take measures to protect the lives of the journalists,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, according to their wishes, and to investigate the incidents.The body also recorded that in December 2014, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) announced that there was no evidence to charge the Attorney General.“Defamation is a criminal offense in Guyana that can be punished with up to two years in prison, and public officials have used civil libel suits towards journalists who had put forward allegations of wrong-doing.In 2006, Kaieteur News was the target of a purported attack in which four employees were shot dead. Although several people were charged for the attack, none of them were convicted,Johnny Bench Reds Jersey,” it ended.

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