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發表於 2017-6-12 16:14:48 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Association of Women Lawyers (GWAL) on Wednesday noted with serious concern the recent inhumane treatment meted out to a teenager whilst in custody at the Leonora Police Station,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, West Coast Demerara,NBA Authentic Jerseys, and condemned such atrocity in the strongest terms.The women lawyers said justice would only be served when the perpetrators are brought to face the length of the law.The Association,Cheap Sports Jerseys, which has participated and continues to participate in the preparation of legislation to protect children, stressed by way of a statement that the Guyana Police Force has a critical role to play in the protection of children.Therefore, this recent incident brings into question the support which the law requires of the Guyana Police Force and their role in the effective implementation and operation of the Legislation for the protection of our children, the women lawyers said.According to GAWL,NFL Jerseys Cheap China, it is the duty of every Guyanese to ensure that the ‘United Nations Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading treatment or Punishment’ to which the Guyana Government is a signatory, is enforced and that “our human rights are given full protection, without exception.”The women lawyers said the Guyana Police Force as an arm of the State has a duty to uphold and to ensure that this United Nations Convention and all human rights are upheld.“Failure to do so may result in the State of Guyana being held liable for human rights breaches at the International level.”The GAWL said it is also “extremely concerned about all other allegations of torture, cruel and inhuman treatment and impropriety meted out to and perpetrated against members of the public.The members of the Guyana Police Force and other disciplined forces must not think or be led into thinking that they are a law unto themselves”.In this regard,Cheap Jerseys From China, the Association endorsed calls for an independent inquiry into all allegations of torture by members of the Guyana Police Force and other disciplined forces and services.“Tangible corrective measures must be put in place so that atrocities such as have occurred recently,Cheap Jerseys Free, and on too many occasions, immediately ceases,” the women lawyers stated.

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