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Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey 895









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發表於 2017-6-12 22:46:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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“It is virtually impossible to do business in Guyana under these security conditions.”That sentiment was expressed by frustrated businessman Tony Yassin,NFL Jerseys From China, owner of the Guyana Stores Limited multiplex.Since 2006, the company has had to deal with no less than 31 break-ins amounting to losses of almost $36M.According to Mr. Yassin, from the beginning of this year there have been six break-ins and burglaries so far with the most recent occurring on Friday. There was another a little over a week ago.His losses have been documented by the company auditors and amount to $35,NFL Jerseys Cheap,895,870 but more frustrating is what Mr. Yassin calls the inability of the police to stop these crimes from reoccurring.The Police have maintained an outpost in the oval that sits on Water Street between Guyana Stores Ltd and Muneshwers Ltd for some time, yet this has done nothing to deter the criminal elements of the neighbouring area from breaking into the premises and making off with goods.Mr. Yassin noted that at every occurrence the company follows all of the required procedures,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, makes the relevant reports and the police show up, take statements and fingerprints and the matter ends there.He claimed that this is unacceptable because the persons engaged in these acts are not random strangers but known criminals who have been reported to the police on numerous occasions yet the authorities consistently fail to apprehend these persons.Not trusting to chance or the police, Mr. Yassin has invested millions in security and security systems to no avail. After it was reported that the alarm horns were not sufficient he upgraded the horns to have them partially foil at least one robbery but not before the thieves had ripped holes in the roof of the company’s garage to gain entry.The burglars have gained entry by any means imaginable and at all locations.They have used hacksaws to cut through the steel bars at the upper windows near the roof; they have cut through bars at the rear of the building.Break-ins have occurred at the East Wing,NFL Jerseys China Online, the West Wing, the Garage,NFL Jerseys Cheap China, the stock-pool and even at the Church Street entrance.It remains to be seen whether the police will take the necessary action to protect the businesses of the area or will continue to leave them at the mercy of criminals,Fernando Rodney Jersey, Yassin said.

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