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發表於 2017-6-13 14:09:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Staff of the Beterverwagting Post Office, yesterday,Atlanta Falcons Jersey, had no choice but to turn away expectantBeterverwagting Post Office following yesterday’s robbery.pensioners from collecting their monthly stipend,Alex Delvecchio Red Wings Jersey, as earlier in the day the building was robbed by two armed bandits. The gunmen reportedly fled the scene in a tinted 1993 white Toyota Carina AT 192 with in excess of three million dollarsAccording to officials, the robbery was committed around 09:50 hours at the East Coast Demerara facility.When the incident occurred about 25 persons were in the process of collecting their pension money. Reports indicate that the duo barged into the post office from a side entrance demanding the whereabouts of the office’s safe.A post office staffer who was at the time serving customers recounted that the men threatened her at gunpoint to reveal the location of the safe. Fearful for her well-being, the staffer succumbed to the gunmen’s aggressive demands. It is unclear whether any other customers or staffers were robbed,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, but it was reported that no one was injured in the process.When Kaieteur News arrived at the scene of the crime,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, investigations were already underway by police officials. As a result of the robbery,wholesale jerseys, the post office closed its doors to all customers.Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the Guyana Post Office Corporation (GPOC) Telesha Whyte said that the post office will remain closed until investigations are completed. In the meantime she explained that persons can receive their pensions at any of the other East Coast post offices. However, the PRO expects that the Beterverwagting Post Office will reconvene its services before the week concludes.This incident is the latest in a string of armed robberies directed at post offices. On September 3, two armed men robbed the GPOC’s Carmichael and Lamaha Streets branch in Georgetown,Wholesale China Jerseys, where a guard was injured during the invasion.

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