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發表於 2017-6-13 14:36:21 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Sherwin Scipio was yesterday remanded to prison by Magistrate Faith Mc Gusty after he appeared at the Providence Magistrate’s Court where he was charged with break and enter and larceny.It is alleged that between Saturday April 13 and Sunday April 14 at Third Street, Grove,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, East Bank Demerara, Scipio broke and entered the dwelling place of Sunil Ramesh and stole,Cheap Jerseys From China, eight MP3 players valued at $70,800, 20 cellular phones valued at $180,000 and $20,000 in cash. Scipio pleaded not guilty.The prosecution’s facts stated that on the day in question (Saturday, April 13) Ramesh secured his shop which is located in the lower flat of his building and retired to bed. However at around 03:00 hours on Sunday he was awakened by a noise and when he peeked through a window he noticed a man in his yard. Ramesh raised an alarm and Scipio was seen jumping a fence and made good his escape. Checks later revealed that Ramesh’s shop had been broken into and the items missing. A report was made to the police and the suspect was later arrested and charged.Scipio was remanded to prison and will make his next court appearance on April 30.Also at the court yesterday,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, another man was remanded to prison and is expected back in court later today having been charged with unlawful wounding.Tyson Garnett is accused of unlawfully and maliciously wounding Dennis Mansook on Sunday February 24.It is alleged that on the day in question the two men were involved in an altercation which resulted in Garnett arming himself with a cutlass and chopping Mansook. However the accused was only arrested on April 13,Throwback Jerseys, last, and subsequently charged.The accused,NFL Jerseys From China, when asked to provide the court with his address,NFL Jerseys China Online, gave something contrary to what he had given to investigators. He was subsequently remanded to prison.

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