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[香港大學] Sam Mills Saints Jersey rk0dpszc









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發表於 2017-6-13 21:54:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A man from Number 63 Village,Rocky Bleier Steelers Jersey, Corentyne,Eddie George Titans Jersey, is furious at his loss. He said that there is no likelihood of him being compensated for his loss which he suffered at the hands of the Guyana Post Office Corporation.Brian Lindee said that last August his father posted the laptop computer with United Postal Service in the United States.Lindee said that he was scheduled to receive the computer from the General Post Office Corporation once it had arrived in Guyana.However,Reggie White Eagles Jersey, to his surprise,Dick Butkus Bears Jersey, Lindee said he received a call from the Benab Post Office stating that a box was there for him but they would rather him come there to pick it up since it was empty.Having received the call,Michael Strahan Giants Jersey, Lindee said that he immediately knew something was wrong since in his previous transactions he was summoned to the post office main branch in Georgetown to uplift packages.The man said he then informed the post office that he would not be uplifting an empty box. Lindee said he then contacted the post office main branch in the city and was told by a senior manager that they received the box empty. He said he was however assured that contact would be made with the United States-based company to verify.Lindee said that to date all he has been getting was the royal run around.The man said that he went as far as asking officials at the local post office for a number to the office in the United States and they refused to make the number available.The post office insisted that it was looking into the issue. According to Lindee,Dennis Smith Broncos Jersey, he has since contacted the US Company which confirmed that the box left the United States with a computer.The Berbician also claimed that as recent as last week he contacted the then acting Post Mistress General and upon making his queries she hung up the phone on him.The man is now asking who will compensate him for his computer which is valued at some $250,Calvin Johnson Lions Jersey,000.

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