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[香港大學] NBA Authentic Jerseys an Associate Degree in Theology









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發表於 2017-6-13 23:53:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Veteran teacher Mr. Mark Lyte has been re-elected as President of the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU). This was following the announcement of election results at the Guyana Teachers’ Union Hall, Woolford Avenue, Georgetown on Saturday.The results revealed that Lyte secured some 2418 votes while his main challenger Milne Seymour copped 728.Lyte, who has served for a teacher for over 18 years,Cheap Jerseys From China, holds a Masters in Education and Bachelors in Education Degrees,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, an Associate Degree in Theology,Marlon Humphrey Jersey, a Management Certificate from the Ministry of Education as well as his Trained Teacher’s Certificate.He started his career in 1990,Cheap Sports Jerseys, where he began teaching at the Wellington Park Primary School.In 1993 he commenced working at the Winifred Gaskin Memorial Secondary School part time for three years. He began teaching full time at the Corentyne Comprehensive College in 1995.  This lasted for 11 years. In 2006, Mr. Lyte became Head of Department at the Chandisingh Secondary. From 2012-2014 he served as Deputy Head Teacher at the Tutorial High School. During 2014, he was admitted as Head Teacher of the Port Mourant Secondary School and remains there at present. He also worked part time at the Cyril Potter College of Education for over ten years and also lectured at the University of Guyana Berbice Campus (UGBC).Lyte spoke briefly on future plans for teachers. “I endeavour to work harder over the next few years to ensure that better salary and non salary benefits are realized for every teacher across Guyana.” The re-elected GTU President also thanked those who gave him support.President of GTU, Mark Lyte“I wish to thank everyone for their support in the last two years and for the confidence that they have placed in me again.” He also extended a thank you to his team. “Thanks to my team,NBA Authentic Jerseys, ‘Team Continuity’, he said.Mr. Lyte was very elated as he spoke to Kaieteur News. “We did it guys”, he exclaimed.Also securing executive positions were L. Collins as the First Vice President with 1949 votes; J. Cambridge Second Vice President with 2483 votes; General Secretary C. McDonald with 2389 votes; Deputy General Secretary J. Douglas with 2224 votes; Treasurer S. Alleyne copped 2386 votes RVP (Demerara); C.Nicholson with 724 RVP (Essequibo); D Vanlewin 396 and RVP (Berbice) D. Dhanrade 495.The GTU utilized the Guyana Post Officer service to distribute approximately 6800 ballots to the various schools across Guyana. But only 3174 of the ballots were returned.General Secretary McDonald highlighted that there was an increase in the amount of ballots returned this year,China Jerseys Cheap, compared to previous years.Once the ballots arrived at the schools, Head Teachers were tasked with ensuring that every contributing union member received one.Each teacher cast his/ her vote and returned it to the postal service.

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