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[香港大學] Wholesale China Jerseys wtyu2vys









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發表於 2017-6-14 03:22:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– calls on Police Force to clear his nameA former member of the Police Anti-Crime Unit is livid that persons would want to link him to a spate of robberies at Whim, Corentyne, during a wretched period in 2007.Ravi Outar,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, who played a major role as a crime fighter on the East Coast of Demerara during the time when gunmen holed up in Buxton almost controlled the area, is disgusted by rumours that he was a part of a gang that carried out a series of robberies in Berbice.He believes that there are plans afoot to sully his character and he is calling on the Guyana Police Force to set the record straight so that his family will not have to endure the unwanted stigma.“I don’t want my children to have to go to school and hear that their father was a robber man,” an incensed Outar told this newspaper.Former police anti-crime member, Ravi Outar Outar, who hails from Rose Hall Town, Berbice, joined the Guyana Police Force 15 years ago and during that period he worked extensively on the East Coast of Demerara, fighting criminals in the Buxton area.He came close to losing his life on several occasions, including an attack by gunmen in the Coldingen area, in which one of his colleagues died.Outar was slightly wounded while two of his other colleagues who were in the vehicle sustained lifelong injuries.Despite this,Cheap Jerseys From China, Outar continued to be directly involved in the fight against criminal activities, everyday putting his life on the line.A few months later, his life was again threatened, this time in Prashad Nagar during the hunt for notorious escapee Shawn Brown. Again Outar was wounded.On two subsequent occasions, Outar narrowly escaped death at the hands of bandits.By this time, the force administration maybe felt that Outar had had enough near-death experiences and transferred him to his home county where he worked at the Whim Police Station hoping to forget those threatening moments of his life.In 2007,Wholesale Jerseys, while Outar was on his annual vacation, a series of robberies rocked Rose Hall and neighbouring areas. Residents staged massive protests,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale, accusing the police of being involved,NBA Store, and Outar was personally fingered. This led to the transfer of all the ranks, including Outar, who was stationed at the Whim Police Station, being transferred to New Amsterdam.But the allegations had taken its toll on the young crime fighter and he opted to resign from the Guyana Police Force.“There were rumours that I was involved and to this day people are still scandalizing my name. They are claiming that I was implicated in the robberies and that I was dismissed from the force. This thing is affecting my family, my children at school,” the former policeman told this newspaper.In fact, he claimed that he was never under any investigation with regards to the robberies in Berbice,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, and is calling on the Guyana Police Force to clear the air on the issue.“All I want is for the stigma to be removed from my name and for my children to grow up in peace,” Outar said.

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