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Cheap Sports Jerseys Gas









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發表於 2017-6-14 11:43:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The effects of the drop in fuel prices are yet to benefit local consumers at suppliers like Shell and Rubis Gas Stations since the announcement of a 30Many vehicles flocked Guyoil gas stations yesterday to take advantage of the new fuel pricesper cent reduction by Government.Finance Minister,Fernando Rodney Jersey, Dr. Ashni Singh, on Monday announced reductions in prices for gasoline, diesel and kerosene at the Guyana Oil Company (Guyoil) Stations.The Minister explained that in keeping with the mechanism to adjust taxes on fuel, gasoline will now attract excise taxes at a rate of 50 per cent and diesel at a rate of 42 per cent with effect from January 20.The Minister urged other oil companies operating in Guyana to follow suit and reduce prices. However,Throwback Jerseys, a Rubis official said that the prices depend on what the company purchases the fuel for, so the company cannot afford to compete or have prices similar to Guyoil since that company has a special arrangement with Government.“Because a lot of times we don’t even purchase fuel at the rate at which Guyoil sells, so it would be unwise to make any adjustment for now.”SOL Guyana,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, one of the largest independent oil companies in the Caribbean and parent company of local suppliers of Shell Service station had no authorized person to speak to the media pertaining to the fuel price being dropped. The authorized person identified as the General Manager at SOL Guyana Inc. Orlando Boxhill did not answer calls.Gas price at Guyoil service stations were reduced from $995 per gallon to $695, representing a 30 per cent reduction. Diesel price was also reduced by 30 per cent, from $985 to $694 and kerosene saw a reduction of 42 per cent from $850 to $496.The Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce yesterday called on Service Providers and Producers of Consumer Goods to apply conscionable measures by passing on the benefits of the fuel reduction cost to consumers in an effort to ease the cost of living of Guyanese and other residents.Further,NBA Authentic Jerseys, the Ministry noted that the Associations representing Manufacturers of Goods and Services take the initiative to ensure their membership and other stakeholders promptly act accordingly.The Commerce Ministry via its departments and agencies over time have been engaging certain associations and representative bodies in response to their advocacy endeavors for relief when revenues stream have been negatively affected.Similarly,NFL Jerseys From China, the Ministry looks forward to initiatives by those businesses which will benefit significantly from the reduction in fuel,NFL Jerseys China Online, to promptly commence a downward adjustment for payment by consumers for goods produced and services delivered.Specifically, the Commerce Ministry requested that the following categories of business and their representatives to take note and act accordingly.“We hope that such measures will be initiated even before the Ministry commences discussions aimed at arriving at a formal position among parties: Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association; Minibus Operators- United Minibus Union and other representatives of Minibus operators; Speed Boat Operators- Speed Boat Association; Taxi Services- Guyana Taxi Service Association; Agro Processors- Guyana Agro processors Associations; Aircraft Owners Association; Forest Products Producers; Tour Operators amongst others.”Guyoil Gas Station     Shell Gas Station    Rubis Gas Station$152 per liter (Gas)     $219 per liter (Gas)    $219 per liter (Gas)$152 per liter (Diesel)     $217 per liter (Diesel)     $216 per liter (Diesel)

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