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NFL Jerseys From China sought the identity of the Board of Directors









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…Finance Secretary,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey, Rekha will serve as deputy After weeks of repeated requests for the names of the Board of Directors, of the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA), Prime Minister, Samuel Hinds, has, in keeping with the relevant legislation, published in the Official Gazette the members.Chairman of the Board of Directors, Doorga PersaudAccording to the Official Gazette of September 28, 2013, Doorga Persaud will serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the GEA while Finance Secretary, Nermal Rekha, will serve as the Vice-Chairman.The other members of the board include the GEA’s, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mahender Sharma, Elwyn Marshall, Clinton Williams,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Badrie Persaud and People’s National Congress Reform Executive Member,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, Lance Carberry.According to the notice published in the Official Gazette,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, the appointments are valid for a period of one year, coming to an end on June 30, 2014.The order by Prime Minister Samuel Hinds is dated September,Cheap Jerseys Free, 23, 2013.Financial Analyst, Christopher Ram, sought the identity of the Board of Directors, when he had questioned the accounting methods of the Energy Agency.Ram at the time had suggested,Fernando Rodney Jersey, “There are clearly severe gaps in the Agency’s governance arrangements with the identities of the Directors a matter of secrecy.”This was in response to its CEO, Mahender Sharma, who up until recently, in relation to the Directors, said that “we are awaiting the finalization of one more Director from the Private Sector. When we have the complete list, the names can be made available to you.”Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon, as recent as a week ago had committed to having the Government Information Agency (GINA) supply the names of the Directors, but this was not forthcoming.Prime Minister, Samuel Hinds, subsequently conceded that the names of the Directors of the Board will have to be published in the Official Gazette.Chief Executive Officer of the GEA, Mahender SharmaThe Energy Agency is yet to pronounce on why it seeks to align itself with the Companies Act in relation to its accounting procedures when it is in fact a Statutory Body, created by the Guyana Energy Agency Act.

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