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Fernando Rodney Jersey NDIA









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發表於 2017-6-15 12:49:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The bids for the much talked about One Laptop Per Family (OLPF) project were yesterday opened at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board for the supply of 27,000 units for the programme.There were only three bidders for the supply of the now controversial laptops.Each of the bidders had to supply the tender board with a sample of the units they are planning to supply should they secure the contract, along with the customary compliance certificates.The Chairman of the Board accepted a compliance certificate for one of the bidders long after the tender board had moved away from that project.The bidders for the supply of the laptops are:BiddersAmountDigital Technology $1, 661, 661, 000CCS Guyana Ltd$1, 579, 846, 154Giftland Office Max$1, 245, 875, 000There remains a great degree of controversy surrounding this project, with one reliable source close to the process indicating that it is either that the laptops are already in the country,NFL Jerseys China Online, or the process is seriously flawed, and the project office is unaware of the legalities surrounding public tenders.Sources had indicated that the tender process yesterday may be a farce, given that some of the requirements being asked for by Office of the President seem far-fetched and unreasonable, according to the source, leading to the conclusion that the laptops have already been bought.Meanwhile, there was also a re-tender for a project for the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA), namely the supply and installation of Fixed and Mobile Drainage Pumps.The engineer’s estimate for the project is US$4M in total, but the interested bidders were allowed three options in their bidding: for the supply of just the fixed pump, or the supply of the mobile pump,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, or the supply of both.The lone bidders were from two Indian manufacturing companies and those bids are:BiddersOption OneOption TwoOption ThreeSurendra Engineering Corp. Ltd US$2,466, 000US$1,899, 000US$4,176, 000Kirloskar Brothers Ltd  US$4,000, 000Bids were also opened for the completion of the Mahaica Fire Station and the engineer’s estimate for this project is $6,864,963. The bids submitted:Bidders Amount Rasheed Construction Services $5,298,480 A Garnett Construction $6,268,097 Aura Engineering $5,NFL Jerseys From China,785,087Ally Ahmad Construction $5,580,124 R.P. Construction Agency$5,831,331Metric Short Construction $7,883,315Bids were also opened for the rehabilitation of the Essequibo Coast Bridge at Perseverance in Region Two.The engineers estimate for this project is $14,958,NFL Jerseys Cheap China,500 and the bids:Bidders Amount I. Civil Engineering Works $27,144,800Horizon Electrical Associates and General Construction Company$8,834,900S Jagmohan Hardware Suppliers and Construction Service$12,415,000M Sukhai Contracting Service$12,223,750Puran Manman General Contracting Services $9,924,250Dwarka Nauth Contracting Services$7,987,000Samaroo Investments $10,450,000Roopan Ramotar Investments$12,359,Cheap Sports Jerseys,500Sattaur Mohammed and Sons Construction $11,063,250Also bids were submitted for the rehabilitation of the Essequibo Coast Bridge at Perth in Region Two. The engineers estimate for this project is $14,923,750 and the bids submitted are:Bidders AmountSamaroo Investments$11,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey,277,000Roopan Ramotar Investments$12,359,500S Mohammed and Sons Construction $11,641,100Dwarka Nauth Contracting Service$7,987,000M Sukhai Contracting Service$12,223,750 Horizon Electrical Associates and General Construction Company$8,834,900S Jagmohan Hardware Suppliers and Construction Service$12,628,500Ash Civil Engineering Works $27,134,800Puran Manman General Contracting Services $9,924,250 There was also another bid for the improvement to the access road to the International Airport. The engineers estimate for this project is US$1,526,623 and the bids submitted are:Bidders Amount H Nauth and Sons US$1,931,280 DIPCON Engineering Services LimitedUS$1,780,873.10BK International Inc. US$1,555,470

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