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…visits President, lays wreathsPrince Harry of Wales arrived at the Eugene F. Correia airport, yesterday afternoon to a red carpet welcome.His first engagement in the country saw him paying a courtesy call on President David Granger. Later, he laid a wreath at the National Independence Monument at Brickdam more commonly known as the Independence Arch.The Independence Arch, one of the nation’s most important national symbols was presented to Guyana, by the Demerara Bauxite Company (DEMBA) as an Independence gift,Cheap Jerseys From China, in 1966 to symbolise the end of the colonial era, while ushering in a new phase of Guyana’s history.Prince Harry also visited Camp Ayanganna,wholesale jerseys, the headquarters of the Guyana Defence Force,jerseys nfl wholesale, where he met with officer cadets, serving officers and veterans. He was also taken on a tour of the Base.Then it was on to the Commonwealth War Graves, Georgetown, where he laid a wreath, in honour of those who lost their lives during the two World Wars and the pre-Independence period.Last night, the Prince attended a reception hosted by the British High Commissioner.Today,cheap nfl jerseys, His Royal Highness is scheduled to visit several tourist sites including the majestic Kaieteur Falls, the Iwokrama International Conservation Centre (IICC) and the Surama Lodge.Prince Harry will receive an official welcome from the Surama villagers,NFL Jerseys Supply, around the gathering point of the village’s Totem Pole. He will hear more about Indigenous village life, and take a short trip to the village’s eco lodge to see how the community is embracing eco-tourism.A meeting with rangers is also scheduled for the Prince to learn about the conservation work carried out at the Iwokrama Reserve, and how steps are being taken to protect this important forest. Before arriving at the reserve, Prince Harry will also briefly stop at Fairview Village.Prince Harry will embark on a short trek through the jungle to reach the Kaieteur Falls with local guides who will explain the local flora and fauna of the area. Kaieteur Falls is the single largest free-fall waterfall in the world, with a drop of 741 feet,NFL Jerseys Cheap, making it nearly five times as high as Niagara Falls in Canada.On Sunday, the Prince will visit the Joshua Children’s House, and meet with First Lady,Cheap Jerseys From China, Sandra Granger before departing the country.Prince Harry who is undertaking an official visit to the Caribbean on behalf of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth 11 is on the final leg of his journey. The Prince’s trip to Guyana rounds off a two-week tour (November 20 to December 4) that has seen him travelling to Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines and Barbados. (GINA)

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