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發表於 2017-6-15 13:26:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Roraima Group of Companies,NBA Store, Captain Gerald Gouveia was re-elected to the post of Chairman of the Private Sector Commission (PSC) at the Commission’s 17th Annual General Meeting held at Roraima Duke Lodge, Duke Street, Kingston on Tuesday last.Gouveia was first elected to the post in 2008. Also re-elected to his former post as Vice-Chairman of the PSC was Ramesh Dookhoo. He is also currently the President of the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GM&SA).Dookhoo was again elected to the post of GM&SA President earlier this year.Meanwhile, the Commission’s members elected Yog Mahadeo as Secretary and Chandradat Chintamani as Treasurer.Chintamani is the current President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry while Mahadeo is the Chief Financial Officer at the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph (GT&T) Company.The new Secretary and Treasurer replace Mr. Bal Persaud and Mr. Bert Sukhai respectively.A press statement from the PSC stated that despite challenges stemming from staff turnover, the commission has made progress towards having its input on behalf of Guyana’s private sector make a real difference.“That such progress has not been faster can be attributed to the organization’s need to refocus its efforts.  The PSC’s organizational structure was revised, and an amendment to the Contribution Agreement formalized CIDA’s changed assistance to the new structure.  A new Strategic Plan was formulated,” the statement noted.It was noted that CIDA and DFID, as joint funders of the project assisted, and an Operational Review was undertaken to provide recommendations.The PSC indicated agreement with the Review’s recommendations, and in view of slow progress, a new consultancy was launched in 2007 and 2008 to refocus its efforts.Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Roraima Group of Companies, Captain Gerald Gouveia was re-elected to the post of Chairman of the Private Sector Commission (PSC) at the Commission’s 17th Annual General Meeting held at Roraima Duke Lodge, Duke Street,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, Kingston on Tuesday last.Gouveia was first elected to the post in 2008. Also re-elected to his former post as Vice-Chairman of the PSC was Ramesh Dookhoo. He is also currently the President of the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GM&SA).Dookhoo was again elected to the post of GM&SA President earlier this year.Meanwhile,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, the Commission’s members elected Yog Mahadeo as Secretary and Chandradat Chintamani as Treasurer.Chintamani is the current President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry while Mahadeo is the Chief Financial Officer at the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph (GT&T) Company.The new Secretary and Treasurer replace Mr. Bal Persaud and Mr. Bert Sukhai respectively.A press statement from the PSC stated that despite challenges stemming from staff turnover,Dwight Howard Hawks Jersey, the commission has made progress towards having its input on behalf of Guyana’s private sector make a real difference.“That such progress has not been faster can be attributed to the organization’s need to refocus its efforts.  The PSC’s organizational structure was revised,Alex Delvecchio Red Wings Jersey, and an amendment to the Contribution Agreement formalized CIDA’s changed assistance to the new structure.  A new Strategic Plan was formulated,cheap nfl jerseys china,” the statement noted.It was noted that CIDA and DFID, as joint funders of the project assisted, and an Operational Review was undertaken to provide recommendations.The PSC indicated agreement with the Review’s recommendations, and in view of slow progress,Jerseys Cheap NFL, a new consultancy was launched in 2007 and 2008 to refocus its efforts.

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