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發表於 2017-6-15 14:20:25 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Linden youngsters were recently treated to a sumptuous party for special children and a Christmas tree light up and giveaway, held in Amelia’s Ward.At the party which was held last Saturday at the J&C Renaissance Hall, scores of children were treated to an early taste of Christmas by the group “Women on the Cutting Edge.’They also sang carols and recited poems that spoke of the beauty of the season. The children were treated to a delicious lunch provided by the ladies of the Cutting Edge, and were later dispatched with gift-bags filled with cake, confectionery, toys and clothing.The little ones having a good time with Women on the Cutting EdgeProprietors of the Toucan Mall, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph HaynesEvent coordinator,Mark Bavaro Giants Jersey, Jacqueline Smith, said that for the past five years the Cutting Edge women had hosted a Christmas concert at the Egbert Benjamin Hall.“But the concert catered mostly to adults, so this year we decided to bring something different, and so we thought of the children.”Members of the organization subsequently organized the party, which catered for almost one hundred children.It was declared a resounding success by the organizers.Bosai Minerals Group rented the hall,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, while several other corporate entities, including John Lewis Styles, Millennium Travel,Merril Hoge Steelers Jersey, Mayfield Green Variety, Bolo’s General Store, Singh’s Cash and Carry, People’s Choice Pharmacy and Triple A Stationery supported the event.Founder member of the Cutting Edge, Esther Robertson, said that she was overwhelmed with the response to the party, and is already looking forward to next year’s event which she is optimistic will be bigger and better.As for the children,Bart Starr Packers Jersey, their beaming faces said it all!Christmas Tree Light UpThen on Sunday evening, it was Christmas tree lighting time at the Toucan Mall. Children and a few parents converged in droves at the facility to witness the event and receive gifts from Santa.They were also treated to snacks and serenaded with beautiful Christmas music.Waiting eagerly on SantaProprietor of the Toucan Mall, Joseph Haynes, who recently celebrated his birthday, said that it had always been his dream to give back to the children in the community.Gifts galore!“In everything I do, I put this community first, so I told myself sometime back that this year, for my birthday, and to usher in the festive season,Ronnie Lott Raiders Jersey, I would provide gifts for children by hosting a Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony and gift giveaway.”Sunday’s event was the first of its kind hosted at the facility, and Haynes promised that it would continue annually.“I’m going to be doing this every year,Brian Dawkins Broncos Jersey, and it will get bigger and better as time goes on,Jason Taylor Dolphins Jersey, as it has always been my vision to give back, so today is just the start of better things to come. “Chairman of Region Ten,Derrick Thomas Chiefs Jersey, Rennis Morian,Steve Grogan Patriots Jersey, who attended, applauded Haynes on the initiative and expressed the hope to see its continuation.The Toucan Mall was opened by Haynes over two years ago to provide the Linden community with a Multi Complex feature, providing goods and services through small businesses.The facility also has an Olympic size pool and tennis court.

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