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發表於 2017-6-15 14:35:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Members of the Aircraft Owners’ Association are still waiting on President Donald Ramotar to invite them to discuss concerns surrounding the American registered aircraft that crashed into a Sparendaam,Shannon Sharpe Broncos Jersey, East Coast Demerara house some two months ago.This is according to the Association’s Public Relations Officer, Kit Nascimento. He said that the body is very disappointed that Ramotar has not yet met with the Association on this important issue.Kit NascimentoThe two-man crew on board the aircraft was on a technical survey mission for the Amaila Falls Hydropower project. Apparently, Sithe Global, responsible for managing the construction of the project, subcontracted Digital World Mapping to conduct surveys.The aircraft,Lynn Swann Steelers Jersey, just after taking off from the Ogle Airport, crashed into Florence Tyndall’s residence and burnt a section of her neighbour,Eric Dickerson Rams Jersey, Michelle Belle’s house. Tyndall escaped unharmed but the aircraft’s owner and pilot Pierre Angiel and his passenger Canadian Scientist,Mike Quick Eagles Jersey, Nick Dmitriev perished.The Association sent a letter to the President early in May calling for the establishment of an independent Commission of Inquiry into the crashing of the aircraft. It was also worried that the aircraft entered Guyana without proper due diligence being carried out by the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA).The letter pointed out that GCAA should not be the body conducting the investigations since they are the subject of investigation. And the regulations provide for the President to direct the investigations.According to a source,Jerome Bettis Steelers Jersey, the Air Transport Management Department of GCAA did not inform GCAA’s Aviation Safety Department of the aircraft’s presence in Guyana. And, it was only when the plane crashed that the Aviation Safety Department became aware of the plane. GCAA’s Director General Zulficar Mohamed who is also the head of the Air Transport Management Department denied that accusation.Nascimento said, “We were informed that the President has our letter and was reviewing recommendations with consideration and we are disappointed that no further progress has been made.”Whilst the Association is seeking an audience with the President,Rocky Bleier Steelers Jersey, observers in the aviation industry believe that Ogle International Airport should take part of the blame for the incident.According to an observer, a Senior Officer of the airport made some negative comments of the physical condition of the plane while it was at Caribbean Aviation Maintenance Service. “That officer should have contacted GCAA and placed the concerns,” the observer lamented.President Donald RamotarBut,Franco Harris Steelers Jersey, according to Nascimento,Bruce Smith Bills Jersey, Ogle International Airport is not responsible for the physical condition of a foreign plane that comes to Guyana. That is the responsibility of GCAA that has to give approval for the aircraft to operate in Guyana, he added.In addition, the Safety Officer of the airport is only responsible for the airport’s safety and not that of aircraft utilizing the airport,Brett Favre Falcons Jersey, Nascimento said.

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