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發表於 2017-6-15 19:48:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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“I am deeply saddened to know that we have lost yet another baby resulting from a situation that could have been avoided,” said Director of Child Care Ann Greene,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, yesterday, as she commented on the death of a six-month-old of Sophia, who is suspected to have died of starvation on Monday last.Faced with the question of whether or not a social worker was deployed to work in the community, Greene responded that “To be honest, too much is being left for the agency to do. Child Protection is a job for the family, the community and professionals working together for the betterment and care of children all across Guyana”.Further, she stated, there are not enough, and she does not think there will ever be enough social workers to tackle every situation that occurs in homes, so the Ministry will always need the assistance of citizens to effectively do its job.She expressed that “a neighbour shouldn’t go to bed knowing that the children next door didn’t get anything to eat”.Greene mentioned that in cases like those, adult neighbours/community members could simply contact the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security’s hotline numbers and make reports of the situation so that the Ministry could be of assistance.She said that the ministry is now doing its own investigation into the matter so as to protect the remaining children from suffering the same fate as the their infant brother.When asked what strategies will be implemented to limit the possibility of situations of this nature, Greene said that among other things,NBA Authentic Jerseys, the ministry will seek to raise community awareness and levels of responsibility for each child in the community.The dead infant’s mother along with her fourteen-year-old son,Cheap Sports Jerseys, are still in police custody while the remaining children between the ages of nine and one are staying with a relative who also lives in Sophia.Police, on Monday evening, detained a Sophia mother of six in relation to the death of her six-month-old baby boy. Ranks that launched an investigation into the matter are of the belief that the infant’s death most likely resulted from starvation and neglect.The dead child’s mother,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, Robin Moore, 30, was taken to the Turkeyen Police Station along with her 14-year-old son around 19:00 hours Monday for questioning. Moore told investigating ranks that she left her ‘E’ Field Sophia home on Sunday last around 17:45 hours in search of money. She said that she was forced to leave her children behind in the care of their eldest sibling,NFL Jerseys From China, the 14 year-old.She said that upon her return,Cheap Jerseys Free, 24 hours later, the baby, whose only name was given as “Two-Two”, was motionless. Moore said that as she returned home she had immediately gone to the baby – who she thought was asleep, and began her failed attempt to breastfeed him. She later realized he was dead.A post mortem has not yet been performed.

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