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[香港大學] Louis Lipps Steelers Jersey kpf1htox









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發表於 2017-6-15 23:51:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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–    Start of construction delayedThe Guyana government has advertised for contractors to build a Micro Hydropower Plant and Irrigation Infrastructure in Kato,Eric Rowe Patriots Jersey, Region Nine.The European Union is funding the project to the tune of over $600 million. The project is being implemented by the Hinterland Electrification Unit of the Office of the Prime Minister.Eligible bidders have until April 23,Ross Cockrell Steelers Jersey, 2013 to submit tenders.The 330 kilowatt micro-hydro power station will be located at the Chiung River head waterfall,Ra Shede Hageman Falcons Jersey, located near the Kato village.The EU had announced that the project is intended to promote the use of sustainable and climate friendly energy use.The Financing Agreement for the project has since been dispatched by the EU Delegation in Guyana to the Minister of Finance who acts as the National Authorising Officer (NAO) for the EU-funded programmes in Guyana.EU said that the total cost of the project is pegged at Euro 2,455,Jerome Bettis Steelers Jersey,797 ($615M) with the EU contributing Euro 1,Rocky Bleier Steelers Jersey,841,848 ($460M) under the 10th European Development Fund (EDF). The Guyana Government will contribute Euro 613,949 ($154M).The project aims at the installation of a hydropower plant and irrigation facilities in the village of Kato, Region 8. The works to be accomplished are split in two lots.The first lot includes the design and construction of the 330 kW hydropower plant at the Chiung river falls in Kato, including final project design, construction of the hydropower plant and the supply,Dermontti Dawson Steelers Jersey, installation and commissioning of the two turbines.Lot two is for design and construction of the irrigation infrastructure including one irrigation weir; one irrigation pumping station with 90 kW pumping capacity and four pumps; 1,000 m irrigation water feeding pipe; 7 600 cubic metres volume irrigation water storage reservoir.The transmission line supply and installation works will be tendered separately and are not part of this tender.“Sufficient generating capacity for electrical services are to be provided to a secondary school complex to be constructed by the Ministry of Education,Ernie Stautner Steelers Jersey, existing government buildings such as the nursery/primary schools, the guest house, the police outpost, medical facilities, school dormitories and to also facilitate agro processing and commercial farming,John Stallworth Steelers Jersey,” the EU said.Furthermore, the system will provide electricity to Paramakatoi through a 16 kilometres transmission line which forms part of the intervention.“It is expected that the Government will fast track the construction of the secondary school facility,Jack Butler Steelers Jersey, which is a pre-condition for the investment to be made. The secondary school is foreseen to be the main electricity consumer and therefore forms the basis for feasibility of the investment.”The construction phase was expected to begin last month. Now, it is likely that the completion date of February 2015 would also have to be pushed back.

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