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Throwback Jerseys Dr Shamdeo Persaud









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In a single word,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey, Director of Communicable Diseases, Dr Morris Edwards, was able to answer a question as to whetherDr Morris Edwards, Director of Communicable Diseasesthe Ministry of Health’s preparedness to deal with the Ebola Virus is where it should be.“Yes,” said Dr Edwards as he went on to qualify his answer by pointing out that Guyana not only has mechanisms in place to monitor the virus, but that personnel attached to the health sector have been well trained in this regard.Although it was earlier this year that several reports surfaced of the recent outbreak of the virus in sections of West Africa,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, Dr Edwards informed that the epidemic had been detected since last year December. He pointed out that while up to recently there were cases amounting to 16,000 reported to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the majority of those cases have remained in West Africa. Only five cases have been reported outside of that section of the country.He shared his conviction that the only way that Ebola could have spread outside of West Africa would have been through the movement of people who have visited there or have been in contact with people or animals from that part of the world who have had the disease.Dr Edwards intimated too that “people have been sensitised,Fernando Rodney Jersey, so the likelihood of travellers going there and exposing themselves is small; not zero but small.”He disclosed further that there are currently ongoing exit screening activities in place for travellers leaving West Africa,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, even as he emphasised that there are no direct flights from that Region to this part of the world.“You have to go through Europe or you have to go through the United States…before you travel to those countries. You have to do exit screening, so persons who could have been exposed to Ebola, they will then be interviewed…so they will go through layers of screening,” asserted Dr Edwards.Even when they arrive to territories of the region, Guyana and its neighbours, there is continued screening and continued monitoring of persons who would have travelled from West Africa. This is in order to ensure that if they persons develop symptoms they could be swiftly isolated.“Once you have been to or have resided in any of those countries that were affected with Ebola we would interview you and then we will follow up with you. So we have those systems in place in Guyana,” said the Communicable Diseases Director.And there are sufficient personnel in place to address any potential case as according to Dr Edwards, “I don’t anticipate we are going to be having hundreds of persons who will fit that category.” He noted that upon arrival here trained health officials will conduct a risk assessment and efforts are made to enlighten people that “they have a stake in this. If you have been exposed the only way to save your life is early recognition and early intervention…that’s assuming that persons want to live.”Although the Ebola Virus is considered a health challenge to avoid at all cost, if possible, it certainly does not mean that it cannot be effectively controlled. This was the deduction of Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dr Shamdeo Persaud, who in an earlier interview with this publication shared his conviction that should a case of the virus arrive here,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, the country is capable of dealing with it.During an interview with this publication too, he intimated that already the local health sector’s efforts are being aided by a five-point strategic plan to assiduously combat the threat of the Ebola Virus. Added to this, Guyana has been collaborating with the countries of the Caribbean to ensure that its efforts are on par regionally.  In fact the Region’s readiness to deal with the dreaded virus was one that was extensively discussed at a Caricom Heads of Government meeting in Trinidad recently. That special meeting, which was convened by Trinidad’s Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, was attended by Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and the Chief Medical Officer himself.The meeting saw the Heads in attendance collaborating to prepare and present a 10-point plan which spoke to the need for regional collaboration and building of needful capacity; working to strengthen the Trinidad-based Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) with a view of ensuring that Ebola testing can, at the very least,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, be coordinated there.

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