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NFL Jerseys Cheap China denied the allegation which stated that on May 4









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發表於 2017-6-16 03:13:01 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Two persons accused of abducting Bhena’s store employee, Xanier Waaldjik over a dispute  in theXanier Waaldjikdisappearance of a quantity of raw gold, were yesterday arraigned before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.Dexter John, 34, of 109 Parfaite Harmonie,Cheap Sports Jerseys, West Bank Demerara and Viola Morrison,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, 48, of Section ‘C’ Block ‘Y’ Grove, East Bank Demerara, denied the allegation which stated that on May 4,NFL Jerseys Cheap, at Regent Street,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey, they abducted Waaldjik, so as to cause him to be wrongfully restrained.Police Prosecutor,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, Bharrat Mangru told the court that on the day in question the victim was about to enter the store when he was confronted by a man known to him. The man pushed him into a parked car and then drove away.The matter was reported to the police and CCTV footage from the store was reviewed and the defendants were caught on camera committing the act.Subsequently, they were arrested and charged.Their attorney, Gordon Gilhuys during a bail application, asked that his clients be granted reasonable bail because they pose no risk of flight.Each defendant was ordered to post bail in the sum of $500,000.This matter will be called again on June 5, for statements.Waaldijk was snatched just before 08:00 hours last Monday as he was about to report for work. The incident occurred in full view of members of the public.Camera footage from the Bhena’s Footwear store showed the abductors waiting near a parked car outside the store for their victim to arrive for work. They then pounced on him as he was crossing Regent Street and forced him into the bronze coloured Toyota Corolla PLL 9811.However, after a security officer of the store made a report at the Brickdam Police Station about the incident, the police immediately went into action and by midday they had located the car used in the abduction along with the driver. They were at a house on the West Coast Demerara.During questioning, the driver claimed that he dropped off Waaldjik and the other abductor at a house at La Parfaite Harmonie and left. They also found the relative who claimed she had lost the gold.As the police were about to question the two suspects,NFL Jerseys From China, Waaldjik turned up at the Brickdam Police Station just after 15:00 hours in good health. He claimed that he was blindfolded by his abductors and taken to a house where he was allegedly beaten and questioned about the missing gold.From all indications the abduction stemmed from a family issue that originated over the weekend.According to reports, Waaldjik was accused of being involved in the disappearance of a quantity of raw gold from a house he had visited a few days ago.Kaieteur News understands that the owner of the gold solicited the help of the abductors who made moves to recover it.

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