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Artemi Panarin Jersey prosecute offenders









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發表於 2017-6-16 13:16:35 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Guyana is recorded as both a source and destination for men, women and children being subjected to sex trafficking and forced labour. A continued enabling environment for human trafficking has landed Guyana on the Tier 2 Watch List.This is according to the 2013 U.S. Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report released by the U.S. State Department of State yesterday by Secretary of State John Kerry.US Ambassador D. Brent HardtThe report stated, “Guyanese and foreign women and girls are subjected to forced prostitution in Guyana, and some nationals have been trafficked abroad. It is clear that traffickers are attracted to Guyana’s interior mining communities, where there is limited government control.”According to US Ambassador to Guyana, D. Brent Hardt, Guyana is making significant efforts to fully meet the minimum international standards for the elimination of trafficking as outlined in the UN Palermo Protocol, even though that was not concluded in the report.To meet the obligations under the UN Palermo Protocol to prevent,Cheap Jerseys Free, suppress and punish TIP, the US recommends Guyana “boost efforts to hold trafficking offenders accountable by vigorously and appropriately investigating and prosecuting forced prostitution and forced labor; develop, in partnership with NGOs standard operating procedures to guide and encourage frontline officials to identify and protect victims of forced labor and forced prostitution; offer protection and assistance for victims near mining communities; and foster a climate of open dialogue on trafficking that encourages people to come forward to authorities with potential cases.”In keeping with this year’s theme “Victim Identification: The First Step in Stopping Modern Slavery”, Ambassador Hardt said that Guyana has doubled the number of victims identified but the Government was not able to demonstrate evidence of increasing efforts to hold trafficking offenders accountable.“The lack of punishment for trafficking offenders creates an enabling environment for continued human trafficking.  As a consequence, the Government of Guyana was placed on the Tier 2 Watch List,” Hardt said.He said that eradicating modern slavery remains an uphill struggle since only around 40,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey,000 victims were identified worldwide last year.  However, it is estimated that about 27 million people are victims of trafficking at any given time.“Another consequence of the failure to identify victims is that the traffickers who enslave and exploit vulnerable people are operating with impunity, beyond the reach of the law.  Modern anti-trafficking laws and structures go unused, existing as theoretical instruments of justice,” he added.According to Hardt, Guyana and the US have in recent years developed a more active and productive dialogue on TIP aimed at strengthening Guyana’s ability to identify and protect victims, prosecute offenders, and prevent future cases of TIP.A workshop on TIP identification, investigation, and prosecution for government and civil society representatives was held. And, an outreach was conducted in Bartica with local law enforcement,Cheap Sports Jerseys, mining, and civil society representatives to boost understanding in that region of how to combat trafficking.“We welcome the commitment of the government and people of Guyana to work in partnership to address this global threat to the dignity of children,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, women and men. Nowhere was this commitment more evident than in the extraordinary work of the Guyana Women Miners Organization (GWMO) under the courageous leadership of Simona Broomes, who was recognized yesterday by Secretary of State Kerry as a 2013 TIP Hero.”He said that Broomes and her GWMO colleagues have shown extraordinary bravery and leadership,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, most recently in rescuing four young victims in Puruni.  “Thanks to her commitment, more trafficking victims are being identified and rescued from a life of slavery.  All of Guyana should be proud of what she and her Organization have been able to accomplish to protect some of the most vulnerable people in society,” Hardt said.According to Hardt, for transparency and strengthening efforts in the US and in partnership with other countries, the TIP Report contains a tier ranking and narrative of U.S. progress in addressing human trafficking.“We hope this assessment will illustrate that the United States holds itself to the same standards it encourages in other countries and that we support a self-critical approach among all countries in their anti-trafficking efforts,” the Ambassador said.Hardt said, “People often ask why the United States prepares a Trafficking in Persons report on other countries.The answer is that we believe that only a concerted global effort can bring this human tragedy from the shadows into the light.”He explained that US aims not to criticize, but to call attention to a global threat to vulnerable groups of people.“We seek to stimulate action and create partnerships around the world in the fight against modern-day slavery.  Only by understanding the scope of the threat can we take meaningful action to protect victims, prevent future abuses, and investigate and prosecute perpetrators,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping,” he said.

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