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發表於 2017-6-16 16:51:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A number of Guyanese medical practitioners will benefit from six hours of Continuing Medical Education (CME) lecture,NFL Jerseys China, thanks to the Howard University Hospital Medical Association.This was disclosed by Cabinet Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon during his post-Cabinet press briefing yesterday at the Office of the President.The CME lecture,David Njoku Jersey, commencing today at the Guyana International Convention Centre, is part of the Association’s reunion activities. The lecture session will conclude tomorrow.Dr. Luncheon enlightened that Guyana will be hosting the reunion from January 16 to 21. The visiting team comprises 40-odd Washington D.C.-based area medical practitioners, including Guyanese David Aubrey Gorey, who originates from Essequibo.According to Dr. Luncheon,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, the team will also be exploring avenues to forge professional and academic ties with the staff of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation. The team will also be hosting a special event in honour of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on January 20 at 9:00 am at Pegasus Hotel.Meanwhile, in a press statement yesterday, United States Ambassador D. Brent Hardt said the Embassy will be hosting a reception tonight in honour of the visiting team from Howard University Hospital Medical Association. The event will begin at 18:30hrs and culminate at 20:30hrsAccording to Hardt,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, the organization is in Guyana to hold the 21st Annual Collaborative Scientific Medical Mission and will focus on current research on diabetes, hypertension, and other healthcare-related issues.Hardt related that the Howard University,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, located in Washington, D.C., is a historically black university founded in 1867 and produces more on-campus African-American Ph.D.s than any other university in the world.Among many of Howard’s notable alumni are the late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall; the first African-American governor of a U.S. state (Virginia) L. Douglas Wilder; Nobel Laureate and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Toni Morrison; Emmy Award-winning actress Phylicia Rashad; actress, producer and director Debbie Allen; attorney,Wholesale China Jerseys, civil rights leader and Wall Street executive Vernon Jordan; former mayor and United Nations Ambassador Andrew Young; and the first female mayor of Atlanta,wholesale jerseys, Shirley Franklin.

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