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發表於 2017-6-16 19:49:14 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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As City Hall advocates zero tolerance for all forms of violence against women senior officers have been warned that “any Rank in the City Constabulary who seeks to sexually harass another would be dealt with the accordingly.”Town Clerk Royston King made the comments at a meeting on Tuesday December 1, 2015 with specific reference to allegations that a constable tried to pressure a female colleague to have him perform oral sex on her. He said to the Senior Officers of City Constabulary that they are standard bearers and that the City Council will not condone any form of sexual harassment.Kaieteur News broke the story last week that a male constable (name given) was arrested after a report of sexual harassment was made and a confrontation. He was handed over to the Guyana Police Force to be charged.  He appeared in court and was granted bail.The Town Clerk said that the City Constabulary’s motto is to serve and protect. Therefore, discipline,Arizona Diamondbacks Fernando Rodney Jersey, confidence, loyalty and commitment are principles that must guide the work of the Constabulary. The Town Clerk said that any officer,Cheap NFL Jerseys, who seeks to engage junior ranks sexually, lacks self -discipline and pride.King noted that the power invested in senior officers of the Municipality is to serve with distinction and not to abuse the privileges and rights bestowed on them by virtue of their office.He said the Council is in the mode of restoring its image. “No one, absolutely no one will stop this” he said.Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Green noted that “sexual harassment is a violation of women’s rights which this Council will not condone.”The Mayor and Councillors of the City of Georgetown is also advocating zero tolerance for all forms of violence against women including sexual harassment. “Violence against women interferes with their mental, physical,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, and social wellbeing. Also, it affect employees moral and impedes employee’s ability to function effectively on the job.”The Mayor and City Council would be collaborating with the Guyana Local Government Officers Union (GLGOU) to provide empowerment programmes for both males and females in the City Constabulary and other Departments of the Council.The Council and union would be working together to establish a social welfare unit to address social issues.While it is commonly believed that the City Constables are only employed to guard markets Chief Constable Stephen Bailey begs to differ. He said that all things being equal that image will soon be changed for the better.Speaking exclusively to Kaieteur News in a recent interview, the Miami trained Assistant Commissioner said that his unit is tasked with ensuring laws are maintained with the purpose to serve, protect,Wholesale China Jerseys, prevent and detect crime and where necessary apprehend perpetrators.“Our privileges and immunities are the same powers like the national police force except we operate within the boundaries of the 18 square miles of Georgetown and all being equal efforts are in train to return the respect lost over the years for the City Constabulary Department.”To make this a reality he said among plans , is a proposal before Council for approval to effect change that ensures that the constabulary ranks and department move beyond being called “greens police and or market constables.“We are more than market constables with powers equivalent to that of our sister service, the Guyana Police Force with equal powers to arrest,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, detain and prosecute offenders against any law committed in the city.”Among the changes that are expected is the City Constabulary being renamed to Georgetown City Police Department by year end.The Unit is supposed to have at least 300 ranks but while he did not wish to share the actual current strength of the City Police Department this publication understands that it stands at lesser than 200.He noted that New York has its own City Police Department.“We arrest, process and prosecute offenders of the law,NBA Store,”   the Chief Constable Bailey said.

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