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發表於 2017-6-16 22:16:02 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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–  cart off cash, jewellery, alcoholSix heavily armed bandits robbed and terrorized an Edun Street Tucville family,NFL Jerseys China Online, before carting off over $2.5M in cash, jewellery,Cheap Sports Jerseys, liquor and clothing early Friday morning.At the time of the robbery the woman was at home with her two children and aunt. Kaieteur News was told that woman and her husband have a business in the interior.The woman, yesterday, told Kaieteur that she was still shaken by the robbery. Ranjee said that it was around 02:00hrs when she saw a shadow in her bedroom. The woman said she turned and noticed a man inside, and she quickly attempted to dial a number on her cell phone. However the bandit rushed into the room with her sons and aunt.“They rushed in the bedroom….with the gun pointing to my son and aunt.”  The six bandits placed the woman along with her aunt and two sons aged five and ten,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, on the floor and tied them together.After doing that they started demanding that the woman hand over all of her valuables. Ranjee said she directed them to a bag that was thrown on her bed,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, which had about $15,000. The woman said the men grabbed her bag and emptied it but kept her identification card.Still wanting more,NFL Jerseys From China, the bandits started ransacking her home. The woman said they had a few pieces of jewellery on her vanity case; the bandits took that. The men then went into her son’s room and pulled down all of the educational aids on the walls.“They pulled it down and started shouting where is the f**king safe …We want more money” Ranjee said. The woman said she insisted that her family had nothing else. At this point the woman said one of the bandits pulled her youngest son and threatened to kidnap the child if the family didn’t hand over more money.“After I see like they were going to take my child I found the strength and I pulled him back to me and told them they couldn’t do that…” The woman said she kept pleading with them to leave because she didn’t have anything else. Afterwards the woman said she heard the bandits downstairs and then she heard the gate opening.Ranjee said that she got up and peeped downstairs to check if the bandits had left. She said she walked downstairs only to notice that the bandits had taken her son’s school bag and filled it with liquor. She also noticed that a few pieces of clothing were missing.In addition to the cash and jewellery, they also stole cameras, cellular phones and other valuables.The business woman further told Kaieteur News that she immediately called out to neighbours who called the police. Kaieteur News was told that the family started their business in the interior some five years ago and bought that property two months ago. The woman is calling on the police to act quickly and try to find the perpetrators who seem to be targeting business people.According to Ranjee, only last week two business associates were robbed and sparked suspicion that someone might be targeting business people from the interior. The woman explained that they were friends with Roger Hinds, who was robbed of $5M.  He was also shot in the process.Police sources yesterday said that they were investigating the matter,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey, but could not give further details.

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