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– Private sector has a major to playPresident Donald Ramotar has assured that Guyana is well positioned to take-offAttendees of the launch of GuyExpoand the private sector has a very important role to play in partnering with Government and other social forces so that the country could grow in one direction.“The potential we have always been speaking about for such a long time that that possibility for us taking-off is here at this time…We must take the opportunity…our country can fly,” Ramotar said.He made those remarks at the launching of GuyExpo 2012 at the International Conference Centre, on Friday. The actual opening of GuyExpo 2012 is slated for September 27.In keeping with this year’s theme of ‘Strengthening the Traditional Embracing the New,’ Ramotar said,Taijuan Walker Jersey, “I am of the view we have to consolidate what we have, build on it,Oakland Athletics Matt Joyce Jersey, strengthen it and also seek for new areas of development in our country.”The Head of State noted that is an exciting time in Guyana and referred to his visit to the two oil rigs that are operating off shore. He is hopeful that by the actual launch of GuyExpo there would be a booth on gas and oil in Guyana. This would put Guyana among an elite group of countries that are oil producers.Even with new sectors areas which are known as traditional sectors for instance agriculture would be explored for new enhancements. Ramotar related that infrastructural works that are being done would serve agriculture well in Guyana.“Most important in that regard is the building of hydro-electricity in Guyana so that we would not only be producers of raw materials but we can actually develop the manufacturing or processing sector in Guyana and hydropower offers us the best opportunity to do so,” Ramotar said.He pointed out that Guyana has been in mining for a long time and referred to Omai being one of the largest gold mining operations in Guyana. There are other great possibilities to develop the mining sector especially if converting raw materials to finished products is done.“We should start thinking of refining gold here,Atlanta Braves Sean Rodriguez Jersey, smelting bauxite and we could have cheaper electricity and also doing other areas where we can have more finished products and adding more jobs in the economy,” he said.The President said that it is strange how the private sector and labour movement must always go together in the same direction. As such, a strong manufacturing sector needs a skilled workforce.To achieve this end Government has been erecting Technical Institutes in different parts of Guyana so that citizens could enhance their technical capabilities.In addition,Tampa Bay Rays Colby Rasmus Jersey, Government needs to look closely at the University of Guyana to ensure professionals are produced so that they could contribute to the development of our economy.“I hope that some of the measures that we have taken in the budget,Washington Nationals Joe Blanton Jersey, like increasing the threshold to $50,Detroit Tigers Alex Avila Jersey,000 now that we would have a more satisfied workforce and in that regard a more productive workforce as well,” Ramotar stated.He noted that some of the infrastructure that is important to Guyana is improving roads,Ryan Vogelsong Jersey, building new ones,Alex Avila Jersey, and looking at developing the deep water harbour.Ramotar expressed his belief that Guyana has a great tourism product and that is one of the reasons why Government is making a huge investment in expanding Cheddi Jagan International Airport.“Again (given) our geographic location we can very well become an important hub between air traffic from the North to the South of our planet… We are making that investment to be a hub to facilitate and help our tourist sector so that it becomes easier to travel from various parts of the world to come to Guyana,Minnesota Twins Matt Belisle Jersey,” he said.

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